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Liberty & Justice 4 All Sign

13 years ago

Hey to paint a little today. Still working on a few things, but thought I'd take a little break and post this one before it gets too much later. Ya'll know me and my love of Americana! Here is a sign that I found in a June 1997 issue of Decorative Woodcrafts that Luvs sent me a few years back. Design by Charlene Cooper. I put my own spin on it. It might still be a little bright for me so I may end up antiquing it some, but here it is for now. Hope ya'll like it. I do!!


Comments (10)

  • luvstocraft
    13 years ago

    Wow! You did a great job on your sign Anj. Looks like perfection! I really like how the letters are not all lined up straight, and the shaded edges really makes them pop. What's the shade of blue you used? I really like it.

    I'm always drawn to patriotic things too, love the color combination of red,white,and blue. I need to pull some of mine out before Memorial Day--and maybe leave it up until July 4th so I can enjoy it a bit.

    Glad you managed to get this finished and share it with us. Hope your DH is feeling better today too.


  • pezabelle
    13 years ago

    Anj.... way to go girl! Your lettering is awesome! I can see your sign being antiqued or left as it, either way it is great.

    Patricia Rawlinson has a free download banner that I think you would really like. It says "Welcome Friends" and has a pineapple with a red, white and blue start at the bottom. I am going to use the instructions for the star for my large stars.

    Thanks for sharing

    Belle might have to do the "join" her new letter in order get the download and you need to use the code "welcomefriends" at check out then just download it. or

  • anjabee
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    Thanks girls! I want to do another one that says Stars and Stripes with each word on a different board. Saw one like it in a decorating mag and loved it. I used different colors than her pattern called for, there was an attached star uncle sam and the 'and' and 'for' were spelled out and hers was speckled. I'm liking it as it is for now so may not antique it. Still trying to decide. Luvs~ I had already put away my paints but I'm thinking that I used Delta Ceramcoat Nightfall Blue on it. I hope I'm telling you right. I'm almost positive that's it.
    Belle~ I will for sure look for that pattern.
    Well, I've got the power raker guy here doing the lawn and looks like he's about ready to be paid so I'd better scat. Thanks again!

  • phonegirl
    13 years ago

    Anj, your sign is so professionally painted. Great job. It's neat that Luvs sent you this pattern to paint. That makes it more special for both of you, I'm sure.


  • anjabee
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    Thank you Punk. Back in the day when it was just Luvs and I here, I only had a few painting books back then. She was kind enough to supply me with quite a few to get me on my way to full addiction! ha She is a sweet friend and I'm happy to get to do some of the projects from the books and mags she's passed on to me. She's been a great help to me not only with painting and ideas, but in getting me started cutting out my own wood pieces! Thanks Luvs! ;)

  • franksmom_2010
    13 years ago

    Anj, I really like that sign, too! I like the colors that you chose, and the lettering looks great!

    It's funny that you said that about cutting your own wood, because I was thinking that the wood looked like better quality than your typical craft store fare.

    I do all sorts of other crafts, and sometimes find myself looking in the raw wood sections of the craft stores. Being someone who's worked with wood, I'm always a little dismayed at the poor quality (and sometimes high prices) for what they offer. I'd think if you paint a lot on wood, it would be a huge benefit to cut your own.

  • kraftymom
    13 years ago

    Great job Anj!

  • luvstocraft
    13 years ago

    Awww, Anj, what sweet words. I still remember how thrilled I was when I'd discovered this forum and had pleaded for someone to come chat about painting with me--and you responded! ;o) You started sharing pics of your projects with me and wanted to see some of mine--but I didn't know how to do that! So you made up a step by step tutorial for me and the rest is history! I always look forward to hearing what you are up to and seeing your projects girl. This one is really great--very professional looking and so pretty too. ;o) Luvs

  • anjabee
    Original Author
    13 years ago

    Franksmom~ our TS has tons of wood items. A lot of the time it's my one stop wood shop. ha I actually got this piece of wood from there for $1. It had something else painted on it...can't remember what now, but I just sanded it down and painted over the top. Way cheaper than I could have found the same thing at Lowe's or Home Depot. I've got quite a collection built up and some are cut into shapes already and most have hangers on them already as well. Luvs will tell you that I can sometimes see the vision of a wood cutout from one of my books or just make a little cut here and there to make it work for me. I love being able to cut my own pieces now! I'm about as slow cutting with my saw as I am painting, but it's really fun for me.
    Thanks kraftymom! was meant to be. ha Glad we could help each other out and form a friendship in the middle. ha It's nice to be able to share a love of painting and meet friends at the same time! We have a great group of ladies here!

  • paintingfool
    13 years ago

    Beautiful, Anj. The lettering is done so well. You are really one of the best at painting these kinds of projects. I love it when a project is painted so neatly.

    I love painting on old pieces of wood, but unfortunately, our TS doesn't have much to choose from. And then when they do have something, they charge too much.