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New Monday Morning

14 years ago

Good Morning All,

I should be in bed but instead I'm here uploading my next project so thought I'd start off our new week. We all know that doesn't happen very often.

I answered Belle's post and went in and painted another project for part of my brothers anniversary gift. Let me know if any of you think it's appropriate since he has a late Sept. anniversary. We don't normally buy each other gifts but since it's his 25th I thought I'd do something special for them. I still have the center piece DM and DD bought for us on our silver ann.

I need to clean some on the house tomorrow evening after work since I didn't get everything done today. Seems like alot of my mirrors are in need of a cleaning. I think having the windows open so much has brought some extra dust my way or I'm noticing it more just knowing company's coming.

Luvs, I hope you get your projects done so I can enjoy. Don't know when I'll get back to the desk but should try to finish before long so I don't forget what paints I used. Old timers or what???

Anj, are you sending those kiddies off to school this week? Hope you have more time to paint after school starts. I'm not talking about your walls, honey!!!haha I need to touch up a couple of mine but keep forgetting until I see them again.

Belle, hope you can start another project soon and maybe things will pick up here. I have so many projects I'd like to do that it over whelms me and I think I procrastinate because I can't decide which to start on.

Here's to a great week and I'll try to get back at some point. Punk

Comments (10)

  • luvstocraft
    14 years ago

    Hi Punk, Glad you started the new post for this week. Hope you got some sleep too! LOL

    I know exactly what you mean about having so many projects you'd like to do that you feel overwhelmed and then procrastinate because you don't know which to do first--I have that very same problem!

    Anj must have been trying to do lots of fun stuff with the kids and get things all organized for them to start school over the weekend since she didn't stop in here. Know she will feel a bit sad since her "baby" starts kindergarten this year. She has a really long "Wanna do" list of things to paint too--but hard to squeeze painting time into her busy schedule.

    I finished painting my items last night, but can't post the pics just yet. Still need to drill some holes, do some speckles, find where I stashed my jingle bells, and tie them all together! I'll try to get in there and work on them as soon as I get off here.

    What happened to Bebe (PF)? I'd better go check her blog to see if she's been posting on it. She's not been on here for awhile now, sure hope she's just busy.

    Oh, for my latest movie review--DH insisted on seeing "Shorts" which I think is a kid's movie. There were a few laughs in it--but it was really pretty far out!
    The plot is that the kids find this rainbow stone that grants wishes. They proceed to make wishes without really putting much thought into them and have some pretty hilarious "consequences".

    Okay, I'm outa here. I'll post pics as soon as I can.


  • paintingfool
    14 years ago

    Hi everyone,
    Just when you think things are going to calm down - something has to happen. My hubby had a quadruple bypass last year and one of the valves collapsed so he has been in the hospital. I have just started back to painting. Haven't had much time since I got back from Houston but I need to get started now that the grandchildren are back in school.

    I was reading the earlier post about eyes getting tired when painting - it might be because of age. Mine get tired toward the end of the day if I have been painting a lot. I wear reading glasses when I paint so I can see but I do know your eyes can be stressed when looking at a particular item - like the computer for instance.

    Missed seeing what everyone has been painting so I will head over to the gallery. Will take a few pics tonight and post later.

  • anjabee
    14 years ago

    Ok ladies....the kids are back in school! ha Well, all except the kindergartener. She starts next Monday. They are doing testing this week. He day is Wed. I decided to hold off on cleaning my house (besides the have to's) until they were back in school. So I am working my tail off to get things back to ship shape around here. I'm soooo hot! ha Just sat down for a water break and waiting to get DD's call to go pick her up. Just wanted to check in with ya'll and tell you that I'm planning on painting Friday!! I hope to have everything spit spot and organized again by then so I can relax. I'm excited to get back to painting. Feels like it's been forever since I picked up a paint brush.
    I will have to paint my walls soon....have company coming in October, but not on my fun painting Fridays. ha Ya'll have a good one. I'm off to get DD.

    Bebe!~ so sorry to hear about DH. Hope he's recovering ok. ~Anj

  • luvstocraft
    14 years ago

    Yeah, so good to hear from both of you Bebe and Anj. We really miss you guys when you can't come chat.

    Bebe, I'm so sorry about your DH's valve. Hopefully, they got it all fixed and he will be back out on the golf course soon. I did go check your blog to try to find out that you were okay. I see you are setting up an etsy site. That is a wonderful idea, your painting is so good, it will be great for others to be able to enjoy your items in their homes.

    I'm not nearly as quick as Punk and Belle, but I did manage to get a project finished and posted today. Made three of the same thing, figured I might as well since I need to restock my gift supply since I took most of my surplus back to my SIL and niece this summer.

    Anj, I know you will feel more "at ease" once you get your house all back in order again. But you KNOW it's always gonna need doing again waaaay too soon! LOL There's only the two of us and the two dogs in this house, and I can't keep it all picked up and clean! Always something needing to be done AGAIN! ;o) How did your zuchinni projects turn out? Bet they were yummy! ;o) Is the little one all excited to get to go to school now "like the big kids?"

    Okay, gotta go figure out which project to start on next. I'll be back in the morning.


  • phonegirl
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Woohoo, Happy Dance Time!!! We are getting everyone back and ready to paint! Oh wait, where is CC these days. Haven't heard from her for a looooong time. Hope she is back with us soon also.

    Bebe, It's been a long summer for you and so sorry to hear your sad story about DH being in the hospital. It's not the funnest place to be that's for sure. We'll pray and try to keep him away from there.

    I'm excited to see your projects. I spend all day in front of the computer and so I'm sure I should try to stay off here in the evenings (escept for reading and posting here) of course.

    Anj, soooo happy to know you can have some me time for yourself. Love those kiddies but need some fun without here and there also. Most of the time an hour without is almost enough.

    Then it's on to gramma time and can't get enough of them. I don't care what my home looks like when I have GD. We just play and have a blast. It never takes more than 30 minutes to put the home back in order so no big deal.

    When you have four children no one expects your home to be spotless so no need to sweat the small stuff. I grew up with 6 kids in the family and don't know how DM kept up but our home was always clean and she even worked out. Maybe that's why she's no longer with us. Sigh

    I sure wish we all lived closer and it would be so fun to have a painting day once a month. I would love to share some of my things to paint on. Luvs, did you ever go to a yard sale this summer? It's not to late, honey.LOL

    GTG Punk

  • luvstocraft
    14 years ago

    Punk, you are so funny! No, I haven't gone to a yardsale yet--and there are lots of them going on. So many of the ones around here appear to be mostly clothing--I always slow down and take a peek. I know you can get some really good deals, but you have to find a parking spot and then I feel really bad if I just look and don't buy something! But not to worry, I hit the TS often enough to keep me supplied with painting surfaces! LOL

    I'm a bit embarrassed this morning. For the first time in years, I have a sinkfull of dirty dishes. Wanted to start on my next project last night, so after dinner, all I did was paint! Didn't even take time to put the dishes in the dishwasher! As soon as I get off here, I'm going to get in there and get things back in order. See what this painting bug can do to you! LOL

    Punk, you are so right about Gramma time. Gkids get away with so much more than what we let our kids do. And who would have thought we'd be down on the floor crawling around on our knees, or playing with dolls and doll houses at our ages? LOL Now we know how fast kids grow up, so we'd better enjoy every minute that we can, right?

    Okay, gotta check over on Holidays and then get off here and get busy. You all have a great day!


  • phonegirl
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Good Morning to all,
    I had my eye lash appointment last night and I wasn't impressed. I told her I couldn't tell the difference. So disappointed. I left money with DD to pay her and headed to the park to play with GD. She cut and did DD lashes but didn't charge us for doing our lashes. I was hoping to be able to go without wearing mascara but that will not be happening. Oh well now I know.

    Luvs, you go girl. Dirty dishes are a sign of a creative mind. No time for dishes, you have more important things to do. I do that every now and then so I can paint or do yard work.

    Are you telling me your DH is like mine and doesn't even offer since you have somethig you want to do? I have a few things in the sink from last night because DH had leftovers, and the kids and I went out to dinner. I had pecan pie and it was so yummy.

    I love a clean house but have gotten to the point where I don't sweat the small stuff. Life is to short to be taken so seriously. I have a client coming this evening and she will never know that dishes were left last night. LOL

    I have a few things to do before work (dishes) so best get off here and getter done. Punk

  • pezabelle
    14 years ago

    Good Morning! Looks like we are heading into another hot spell which means more painting! Well..I hope!

    Punk...In my younger days I used to stay up to 2:30 AM working, now I nod off by 11:00 PM and am up by 6:00 AM...whatever happened to sleeping in? Sounds like you need to take a break and slow down!!!

    As to my steaming over my sunflowers, my DH said I caused the wetness we almost had Monday morning...and I was really kidding when I said I want to call the Sheriff...but it's kind of like the woman in Florida who call 911 three times when a fast food place wouldn't give her a refund...silly!

    Have spent a couple mornings out thinning the plants around the pond and stream. Man! Was it overgrown! I have this really great "thing" on wheels that allows me to get close up and personal with the garden. DH is picking up a truck load of rock for the flower beds which we finally got cleaned up..well almost...but close enough for this year. In the afternoon's I have been cleaning out the cupboards and closets. It is amazing what you can collect in a year.

    Luvs......aren't kids movies fun? I loved it when our DGS was younger and we would watch movies with him, how quickly they grow up. He is now going on 18....where did the years go? Have you ever watched "Monster's Inc.?" So funny!

    Babe.....nice to hear from you again and sorry about your hubby...hope and pray that he is well! So where are the pictures? You are going to show us soon? Right? Sure hope so! And please drop in even if you just say "HI"

    Our school bus just went by so one of the school have started back. We live on the dividing line between two school districts so we see lots of yellow bus's (busses? buses?) buses. I remember when my kids went off to school for the first time, spending what seemed like hours the night before, helping them choose what to wear. The excitement on that first morning, keeping them occupied until bus time and then the relief and sadness when they were actually off into their new world. Then the guilt at the feeling of relief to be "free." And then waiting all morning for the bus to come home. WoW!

    Guess it must be time to get back to the garden....ah! You all take care!


  • luvstocraft
    14 years ago

    Good morning! My coffee maker quit on me, so I'm having hot green tea this morning! Need to dig out the coffee maker manual and see if there are any helpful tips that I might try on it. I think I've had it about four years--but I'm not good at tracking time. Just know I miss my morning coffee! LOL

    Got those dirty dishes taken care of right away yesterday. I just like having the kitchen look clean and neat when I walk in there each morning--so usually tidy it up before going to bed. When I paint, I often lose track of time and suddenly realize I'm sleepy and DH and the dogs are already snoring away! LOL

    We had a couple of Blockbuster coupons so we rented a couple of movies. DH selected Watchmen and about 3/4 of the way through it, the voices faded out! Could still hear the background music, but not the voices. So frustrating when you're that far into it. Will have to make sure I tell them when I take it back--don't think I'll try another copy, it was long and I just wasn't that into it. DH and I sort of take turns selecting movies, I watch action movies with him and he goes along with some of the "chick flicks" I select. LOL

    Posted another little project on the gallery to share. Need to go cut some wood before I can start on my next one. Craft room is looking messy, so I can tell I've been busy! LOL

    Anj, how did the first day of school go for the kiddos? Hope they all liked it. Bet your little one is anxious for Monday to roll around. Your house is gonna feel sorta empty isn't it? My DIL emailed me that the school sent home a brochure for a fund raiser already! Asked me if I wanted a cheesecake or maybe some over priced wrapping paper! LOL She couldn't believe they were doing this the 2nd week of school! I told her we will have to start buying from little GD instead of all the neighborhood kids now.

    I hope Bebe gets a chance to post some of her latest projects for us soon. Always enjoy seeing what she is painting and hearing about the classes and conventions.

    Better get moving, housework is calling me as usual. Hope you all have a good one.


  • phonegirl
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Good Evening,

    Belle I can't see me being able to slow down in the near future but some day I'm afraid it will all catch up with me if I don't change my ways. I have slowed down compared to years ago so maybe time will help me in a positive way.

    Sounds like you still do plenty . Always doin' for others and busy at home when your there. Cleanin closets and cupboards are big projects when you collect projects for painting so maybe you don't want some platters and other things. haha Did you start another project today? I enjoyed your pond pictures last year so if you take some, please post for us to enjoy. I'd like to see what you are doing with your rocks too. Sounds like you have alot of projects going on.

    Luvs, did you get your coffee pot working? I love my bunn and have bought others and always go back to a bunn. I like the flavor of others but 3 min. with the bunn just keeps me coming back.

    You do need to let them know the movie needs replaced. Sad when that happens. We have all the movie chanels on dish and I very seldon watch any. I really need to get back into reading but if I do, I will never paint so I'll get back into that later. I don't have enough time in my life for much.

    Anj, we want to know about first day of school. Our schools around here start tomorrow. Seems like this summer really flew by. I need to go check the garden and see what needs picking tomorrow evening after work. I still haven't gotten any zuchinni so don't know if I will do anything with it this year.

    Bebe, hope to hear from you soon. So sad that people have to be sick at times. Did DH get out of the hospital or are you still running back and forth? Thought you'd have something posted so hoping your life is going better than it was.

    Ready to head to bed early tonight. I have had a busy week and trying to do extra so we're ready for the fair is wearing me down. Thanks all for all the fun times here.