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Everyone's busy now!

14 years ago

Good morning All, hope you are all keeping busy and having some fun too.

We are heading towards home, should be there in a couple days. I've bought new painting books on this trip, so I'm eager to get to work on some new projects--right after I catch up on the laundry, cleaning up the motor home so it's ready for the next trip, and getting my yard work caught up! ;o( LOL

So what have all of you been doing? Punk, have you forgotten us or are you off on vacation somewhere? Belle, are you all healed and back to normal? I don't know, with that agreement you had with your DH, I might want to stretch it out as long as possible! Just joking--hope you're all better. ;o) Bebe, did you get all your "disasters" taken care of? If it's not one thing it's another, isn't it? And Anj, sure hope you stay healthy and get the rest of the family all well again soon. Good that school is out at least--less exposure for the kids to all the "gunk" going around.

I'll check in here again as soon as I can. Take care all and enjoy the nice mild days most places are having now--those hot days of summer are on their way!


Comments (12)

  • anjabee
    14 years ago

    Hey, sorry I haven't been here much. As you know I've had sick kids, thought we were all over that and now my DH just found out yesterday that he has Swine Flu so he'll be home for a few days at least and you know how you can't get anything done while they are home. ha I am missing painting, but every time I sit down to work on something I get interrupted so many times I just give up.
    It has rained every day but 2 here this garden is drowning. I thought I lived in the desert. ha My family in MS and LA where it rains a lot say they are having a drought. ha Something is wrong with this picture. ha I hope you are all enjoying better weather and hope you'll still stop in here when you get a minute. Luvs~ safe are almost home!! ~Anj

  • phonegirl
    14 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    My bro from CA called and I ask if he'd come see us and he said yes. This was on a Monday. So I called my bro in WY and ask if they'd like to come up at the same time and so they all ended up here that Friday.

    They all stayed with us and it was so fun but so tiring with work, clients, home and company for a little over 2 weeks. I must be to old to keep up any more. Now I need to start cleaning and doing yard work to catch up so don't think I'll have time to paint for awhile.

    Luvs, you should be home tomorrow huh? Hope you have a safe trip. It'll be great to see all your projects you start painting with the new books.

    Anj, so sorry sickness has fell on your family. Hope your DH gets over the Swine Flu. Pretty scary huh?

    We have been getting rain almost every day too but we needed it. The only thing I don't like about it is it makes those weeds grow also.

    MY doctors nurse called friday and I listened to the message on Saturday. I have osteoporosis, so I need to call my doctor tomorrow and see what's in store for me. I have been having some problems with teeth my so that's why I scheduled a bone density test. Good thing I did, I guess.

    I had to order a new router for my computer so between company and no internet it seems like forever since I've been here. Thanks to all of you for posting and keeping this forum going during my down time.

    My parents home was broken into last week so need to get some glass replaced. We were cleaning after the last renter moved out at the time of the break in. We should probably remove all of the furniture and then there wouldn't be any thing to break in and steal. It has happened two other times in the last 7 years so could be worse. The Merchantile was hit the same night so I'm sure it was by the same ones.

    We are so busy at work with the digital transition. We plan to hire a couple more employees so that should help. I'm so far behind at work and home so I'll try to check in when I find time.


  • anjabee
    14 years ago

    Ok, don't fall off of your chairs, but I got 2 things posted on the gallery and one more on the way as soon as I can get one thing fixed and get the picture downloaded. You know that thing where we don't see certain things until we look at the pics. Yep, happened again. The one guy I posted is missing his mouth of all things....don't ask how I missed that. I know it comes from getting interrupted so many times while I'm painting. Then I started to post another one and I saw that he was missing the star off of his coat so I decided I'd go ahead and fix him and then post him. Get a laugh out of it, I did. =D

    Punk~ so good to see you. Thought you'd skipped town on us. ha Glad it was just family and puter issues that kept you away. Glad you caught the osteoporosis quickly and they can hopefully help you. And darn it, why can't people leave things alone that don't belong to them?? Makes me so mad.
    I don't want to wish that business will slow down for you, but hoping you'll get to visit more here as it does. Maybe when you get some more help??

    Luvs~ did ya make it home? Sure you are busy catching up on things.

    I have been shopping today trying to get things ready for DD to go on a youth camping trip on Wed. DH is home until Wednesday, the dr would really prefer if it was Thurs or Friday, but he's getting antsy. Feeling a little better and not liking sitting around. We'll see if I can make him follow drs orders. Hardhead. ha

    Ok, I'm gonna go get this other project posted and heave a huge sigh of relief that I finally finished something and look for the next thing to work on. Have some things for a friend I want to do so back to the saw I go. ha I'm really enjoying being able to cut things out even though it takes me forever. Gotta start somewhere. Soon I'll be an old pro. =) ~Anj

  • phonegirl
    14 years ago


    I'm still chuckling over the MISSING MOUTH but I enjoyed jumping on here tonight and having your projects posted sooooo much.
    Good thing I don't have to do my own cutting or I'd never have time to paint. I'm sure I'd give up but I know I can cut if I have to so I guess that's what counts.
    I have alot of things to do so need to make this short tonight.


  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Hi All, we made it home safe and sound Saturday night--got in around 11:00. Spent Sunday with Son's family. Little GD couldn't wait to come over to see our dogs and ride the bike she'd gotten for her birthday right before we left on the trip. Laundry is all done, motorhome is cleaned up on the inside, and I've filled two huge trash bins with trimmings from all the roses and stuff. Probably have enought left to fill two more! Things sure grow when you are gone for a month!

    I've got TS and antique shop finds that I want to share pics of--just need to get them taken and loaded on here. I need to load the vacation photos too so I can email some to family members. Too much to do, too little time and energy! LOL

    Perfect weather here for now--in the high 60's, low 70's. Guess we left the midwest just in time, heard it was 105 in Kansas City today and with all the rains they've had, the humidity will be horrible!

    There are so many projects that I want to work on, and I still need to get some organizing done around here. For one thing, I'm running out of room for all my projects! I think I need to cut back on Christmas things so I'll have room for other stuff. How I envy my relatives with things like basements (which we don't have in Ca.) or big barns with lots of space for storage!

    Punk, it is so good to hear from you, I was getting worried. Glad you had a good time with your brothers, and that business is so good for your company. Glad you are hiring some helpers too.

    Anj, I loved seeing your projects. Know you feel so good to finally have them completed. Sure hope your DH feels better soon, and that you and the kids don't get it!


  • anjabee
    14 years ago

    Hey you guys...glad you liked the projects. I can't believe how long it took me to finish them. They just don't look like they'd cause me so much trouble. ha

    Luvs~ glad you got home safely and are getting back to normal. My parents are sure burning up down in MS. Said it's over 100 there too. I'd still like it a little warmer than it's been. 80's are good with me.
    Whatever you have to do to keep making projects. ha Is it
    time to invest in a storage unit. hahaha JK I could probably use one myself.

    Punk, glad I could give you a laugh. You would think it would be hard to miss a missing mouth. ha

    Well, I woke up this morning with pink eye, a sore throat and my ears plugged. Don't think it has anything to do with the pig flu, but who knows. My cousin was so nice and dropped supper on our doorstep for us. ha I'm so sick of the sicknesses.
    We are busy packing up DD for her youth camping trip. She leaves tomorrow.
    Not much else to report. Just wanted to stop in and see what ya'll were up to. Later. ~Anj

  • phonegirl
    14 years ago

    Good Evening,
    Luvs, glad you are home and sounds like everything is falling into place well. Bet GD is happy to ride her new bike and see G & G. Will be looking forward to your pics.

    Anj, I'm so sad to hear your still not up to par at least. Let us know what's causing your ailments. How's DH doing now?

    DD and GD are staying with us again, 3 days a week so that takes up alot of my evenings. One of my brothers just called and wants to come back up so I'll be having company again July 5th.

    One of my friends and families are having a yard sale this weekend so some of us gals are going down tonight to see if there's anything we can't live without. haha So best go and eat before heading down.


  • anjabee
    14 years ago

    Hey guys! I think we are all well finally!! ha And maybe we'll have a day without any rain so I can get some stuff done in my yard today. Gotta finish pruning my rose trees (they used to be bushes before all the rain) and I got the geraniums for my front planters....the only flower I don't kill. =) DD gets home from her youth camp today! I'm excited to see her. It was only 4 days, but I missed her. Although it was pretty quiet around here. ha

    I am still working on going thru my attic stuff. I think I will have it finished up today and will take a big load of stuff to the TS. That was a big job. DS is going to a crashup derby with his friend today and we are bbqing this afternoon. Not much else going on. How are ya'll spending your weekend?? Punk~ did you find anything you couldn't live without?? Luvs~ still want to see your vacation finds!

  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    good morning! Just a quick hello then I've got to get moving, little GD is coming today instead of tomorrow--has a birthday party to attend tomorrow. ;o)

    Anj, I'm so glad to hear that your family are all finally well. So glad you didn't catch anything else. Maybe with school out, you will all not be exposed to so much. No fun being sick.

    Punk, so good that you've been able to post. We worry when we have someone "missing" for very long.

    Guess what? I had to run an errand yesterday, so I went a little further to my favorite TS. Guess what I found??? You are rigt--painting books! They had several, but I already had some of them and didn't really like some of the others. But I did get four old Decorative Artists magazines each with one or two projects I liked in them and four painting books that are old but sort of cute. I'll snap a pic and post it for you to see--later. LOL

    Gotta get going now. Be back soon.


  • phonegirl
    14 years ago

    Good Afternoon,

    We are doing alot of projects around here today but I needed a break so decided to jump on here. Luvs, your placemats are so nice. Sounds like little GD is happy to have you home so she can enjoy coming to visit.

    Lucky you to find more books. I don't know what everyone around here does with theirs unless they are like me and don't want to part with something they might use later. haha

    Anj, so happy all is well with you and your family. There's so much flu and sickness going around that it's a little scary.

    Seems like all of you are holding up your part on painting and posting but I just don't have time to fit it in. Please know how much I'm enjoying all of yours though!


  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Back again! Had so much fun with little GD today. She was really into playing dressup--first as a kitty, then as a princess in her purple dress, then a devil woman. Both the kitty and devil woman are Halloween costumes I had leftover from when I used to dress up for Halloween at the bank. She loves to put them on and play in them--especially loves poking Grandpa with the trident! LOL

    Here's a pic of the books I got. All for 35 cents except one for 55 cents. Sure hope they get more in, I got so excited when I saw the rack of them! There were lots of cross stitch books/magazines too--but I just can't do much of that anymore, too time consuming and hard for my old eyes. ;o)

    I'm posting these here on conversations because I doubt anyone else would care about my bargain book finds! LOL

  • anjabee
    14 years ago

    Aha!! I see the Uncle Sam basket I painted a few years ago!! I got the pattern free from the site though. I just love those Decorative Artists mags. Lots of different projects in each one plus lots of good tips. Looks like you found some fun books. It's always so exciting to find painting books at the TS. Doesn't happen very's such a happy surprise. ha I hit the books first every time I go in. Congrats on your finds!! and thanks for sharing pics! ~Anj