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Let's hear from everyone!

12 years ago

Hi gals, It's a new week and things are a bit difficult and emotional here but we are managing to find things to make us laugh sometimes and are just dealing with what comes one day at a time as much as we can. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, right? LOL

Hope Anj is recuperating from her surgery and working on projects for her craft show.

Know Belle has been a busy bee just painting one project after the other and all so fun to see.

And Kraftymom has been helpful to some newcomers as usual. So nice to have such experienced people available on here to help others.

Bebe aka Painting Fool has some classes coming up that I'm looking forward to hearing about. So glad she has found an outlet for all her wonderful pieces on Etsy--I know she's trying to use up some of her craft room stash.

And Punk may not have been painting, but she's sure finding some good finds and creating some pretty tables, check them out on the Holiday forum when you have time, okay?

I've not been painting yet, keep saying that I want to, and really need to get a couple projects done to use as gift items. Life just keeps getting in the way of my plans for painting.

The weather all over the place is so unpredictable. I'm so sad for all those people in Joplin, Mo. today. Also for all those who have been flooded and those still trying to save their homes from the floods. My son has to travel for his work, and he's headed to Texas today so I'm keeping an eye on the weather chanel for that area too.

I've totally decided that I should have taken some nursing classes at some point in my life--this learning as I go is not the best way to do things. I'm so thankful for the advise of friends who have been care givers and to all the wonderful information available on the Internet. Now if I could just have a photgrapic memory so I could retain all I read! LOL

Hope you can all check in here and let us know what's going on in your world. ;o)


Comments (17)

  • pezabelle
    12 years ago

    Well the rain is back, but that's OK, as I needed to water some newly planted flowers. Although I would have like to do more in the yard. Yesterday, while trying to do the eyes on a Santa, I looked outside and there was 8 adult Starlings (garrrrr!) and with each birds was a chick pestering the adult for food. It was so funny to watch. One little buy would peck at the parent wanting more food. Our Ring Neck Pigeons are still here, but should be moving out soon or at least I hope so, they eat a lot of food and the Morning Doves will not come in as long as there are feeding. And I would swear our Gold Finches turn gold overnight, they are so beautiful.

    Luvs....It is always good to see you here! I can not begin to know what you coping with, and I sincerely hope that you are reaching out to those who can help you, even if it just for an hour of time to yourself. I know you, like myself, came from a generation where we rely on ourselves rather than look to others to help, but now is that time, take care of yourself!!!

    We Saturday morning doing garage sales and found this really nice 8' tall Shepards Rod stand. DH now had our feeder hanging from it and the birds didn't miss a meal. I make my own covered feeders using Terra Cotta colored plastic plant saucers. All you need are 2 different sizes, cord and a drill. They are cheep (hehehe) and last forever and look great, I even added an old vine wreath to the top of the bottom saucer and the birds love it.

    Gosh! Guess I can't put off working on the faces of my Santa's, I did all 15 faces according to the directions, thinking it would get better, but mine are awful so I am doing what I know how to do, it means taking everything off and starting over....all of the love of painting?

    Hope everyone is just busy and doing well. Guess it is a busy time of the year.

    Maybe I'll take some pictures......


  • paintingfool
    12 years ago

    Hi Luvs,

    Hope all is going better for you. It has been a challenging time for us also. I always thought when my children married and had kids of their own, we would be able to retire, travel, and just do the things we were never able to do when our kids were small. Things don't always go as planned.

    I was unable to attend my class last week - just as we were about to leave, my friend called and said she was in the emergency room with a broken elbow. She spent the entire weekend in the hospital after surgery. Since the class was near Tallahassee I didn't want to go by my self and stay overnight in a hotel so I cancelled.

    I am suppose to go to Alabama next month for a class with Brenda Harris. If all goes well.

    Take care,

  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Good morning! So good to hear from you both again.

    Belle, thank you for your kind thoughts. I think I've gotten past the "shock" phase and the "anger" phase and have finally reached the "acceptance" phase. Yes, you are right, our generation was raised to "suck it up and just deal with it"--and that's exactly what I'm trying to do. I am very fortunate to have my son nearby, some wonderful understanding neighbors, and friends who call or come by frequently. However, I will say that dealing with multiple doctors can get a bit frustrating. I told DH the other day that he has a very "inexperienced" nurse but I'm learning as fast as I can! He looked at me in surprise and said "you always take good care of me and I trust you". Wow, talk about a tear jerker! Yes, he got a big kiss.

    Your feeders sound neat, and I too love watching all nature's critters. I mainly get sparrows here, but I feed them anyway. I love when a pair of doves come around, they are so sweet with their cooing sounds. My neighbor gets some darling little yellow birds showering in her three tiered fountain--I love watching them too.

    Bebe, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. A broken elbow could sure cause her some problems. Hopefully it was not on her "painting" arm. You are sure right, retirement doesn't always work out the way we planned--but we just have to change our plans and make the best of it, don't we?

    I'm concerned about Anj, sure hope she is recovering okay. Hopefully, she will check in here soon.


  • anjabee
    12 years ago

    Hey...just a quick check in to let y'all know I'm still alive. Luvs~ so sorry I haven't had time to check on you lately. Sorry things are heavy on your shoulders right now my friend. Wish I was closer to help you out!
    Well, had my final dr appt on Thurs. He said I was healing up well and am good to go to start adding things back slowly. Well, you know me. I never really took it that easy to begin with so I had the vacuum cleaner going as soon as I got home! lol I had a birthday party to get ready for with 6 little girls around the age of 7 spending the night. Had 10 kids total at my house last night!! They didn't go to bed until almost 2am! Then they were up with the chickens this morning. I am beat! I haven't had any time to paint either. My office is a mess! Need to clean it so I can get some things going. Our weather is finally starting to get nicer, but still have lots of 50 degree days and rain since this is our spring. Anyway, my hubby has been off work to help me....but I have been going and doing a lot with him. We went and picked out plants the other day and he planted them so got part of our garden in. Still have more that needs to be done, but we'll get it going. Frustrated with myself that I can't do more without getting tired easily, but I know....major surgery! lol Anyway, glad you are all doing ok. Bebe~ sorry about your friend! Belle our Mourning Doves came back again this year. We love em! My mom has one of those African Doves?? It can't fly. She has it in a cage and takes care of it. Squawks and makes hideous noises like someone in an insane asylum. No beautiful coos from that thing! I've heard they are mating with the mourning doves and overtaking their population. Ugh. Sorry you have to re-do all your Santa faces. Bummer.
    Ok sorry, got to dash. Some of the kids are getting ready to go home! I'll try to get back soon. Take care!!! ~Anj

  • pezabelle
    12 years ago

    IT ATE MY POST!!!!!!Gosh and I had so many wonderful things to say and, OK, I get to try and remember what I wrote.

    Good to see Anj is doing well and on the mend, but by the sound of things just as busy as ever!!!

    Bebe....sorry about your friend but having a friend like you is quite a comfort. Any new painting to share? Sure hope so!

    Luvs...So glad that you have family and friends to assist you and take some of the pressure off your shoulders.

    Got a Joann's Fabrics email Friday and they had Cricut's on sale, over $100.00 dollars off, and I got out the old credit card and got one, plus a couple of extra's. Now I get to pay it off ASAP! Hate interest! Can't wait to get it and give it a go, will have to be at night as I mostly paint all day. Sure hope it isn't hard to learn how to use it. I watched a video and it seemed easy, sure hope so!

    Well, better get back to it, hope Punk and KF and Calirose and the rest check in soon!!!!!

    Take Care!


  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Just lost my post too! Hate that! I'll come retype it all again tomorrow, too tired right now. Thinking of you all and glad to hear from you. Luvs

  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Okay, let's try this again.

    Anj, so glad you are doing well. Bet the girls had a great time at the sleepover birthday party! We've been missing you here, but know you are always super busy.

    Belle, hope you have fun with your Cricut. You know you can combine painting and paper or vinyl on projects you do with it. I sure wish there was a way for me to share some of the neat ideas for making crafts using it--so much more than just cards or scrapbooking! There are some good videos on You Tube, and good information on the Cricut website forum as well. I love using the "vinyl", but I'm using a good quality of "Contact paper" in lieu of the more expensive vinyl. I've even made some outdoor signs with it and then given it a couple coats of outdoor Mod Podge and they are holding up well. Have fun! ;o)

    I have a painting project all base coated, need to get the detail work finished then I will have something to share here finally--and a gift to mail to a friend. Still struggling to get "motivated"--but perhaps that will return soon.

    Glad to hear from each one of you.


  • anjabee
    12 years ago

    Hey....I found an Uncle Sam Spindle originally from Terry's Village at the TS the other day. The poor gent was in bad condition, but I've torn him apart and repainting him for my collection. Hope to post pics soon. Also working on my Uncle Sam tile. Kids will be out for summer after Friday. I'm going to another town tomorrow with hubby and going to check out the TS's there. Hope I can find some good stuff to paint. Like I don't already have lots!! Glad everyone is getting to check in here and there. Miss you guys!! ~Anj Belle...just saw your message on the other side and pm'd ya!!

  • pezabelle
    12 years ago

    Sorry I have been among the missing!

    I have been paint away as well as working out some designs of my own on some of the "gift" surfaces I have been given.

    I have made a promise to myself, no Cricut until after dinner. I have made price tags for all of my finished projects, to match each item. I have made a couple of stamps, but it will take some practice in the use of them. It is really fun!!! I am going to do some letter for some signs, but need to get some vinyl, then I need to see how it will hand sealer. Any suggesions?

    We are still under the weather, I get quite a surprised every now and then, I can actually see my shadow.

    So any work from Punk? Hope she is doing OK!

    Better sign out and get some sleep....such a nice word!

    Take Care


  • anjabee
    12 years ago

    Hey just checking in again. We were at the Scottish Festival Fri and Sat!! Woot! Fun!! Definitely be going back again next year. My brothers b-day party yesterday with the family and I'm running around trying to get the teenagers packed up for a church Youth Conference today. They will be gone for 3 days. Sorry I have had no time for painting or checking in, but hopefully tomorrow I will get my desk cleaned off and bills paid so I can paint some this week. We can hope anyway! Looks like we are all staying pretty busy. I miss all the projects, but can't complain when I'm not contributing either! I'm off again. Miss you all. Luvs~ How's things for you this week? Playing in your yard much? All of our cucumber plants died in the garden so have to replant them this week. Looking forward to the fresh veggies! Getting some of our back yard flower beds prepped for planting. Slowly Slowly! Talk to y'all soon! Belle~ hope to see some of your projects soon!! Need to go check the other side to see if there are any new ones! Later!~ ~Anj

  • franksmom_2010
    12 years ago

    Hello painting friends! Long time, no see! I haven't been around much...long stories and way too much to talk about right now, but I just stopped in to say hi.

    Luvs, I'm so sorry about your DH. I know that you're doing a wonderful job under difficult circumstances. Hang in there, and take care of yourself, too.

    I've missed all of you! I haven't had much time for projects of any kind lately, but am about to start a big doll project. I'm going to need to paint or embroider a teeny, tiny, little monogram onto fabric. Yikes! The project should be a lot of fun, and I enjoy working with tiny things, so we'll see how it goes.

    Not much gardening here, either. We've had terrible heat and drought, and it's all we can do to keep things barely alive. I have very low expectations for the vegetable crop this year.

    I'm off to bed soon, but enjoyed popping in for a few minutes!

  • anjabee
    12 years ago

    Hey everyone! Franksmom! Glad you made it back! I am about to sit here and do some online pricing for an old fellow in our neighborhood who is wanting to have a big garage sale to make some money. He was a woodworker and has lots of tools and saws and things so we want him to get the right price for them. My mom and hubby and some other folks are helping him too. Thought I'd stop by here for a sec and see how everyone is doing before I get to work. Hope you are all enjoying the warm weather. I am totally loving it. We have lots of things going on...bbq's and festivals and campouts and things coming up. My house has always got kids coming and going and I usually have a few extra's spending the night every night. Hope you are all having some good memory making fun. Just ate an icy cold watermelon that was sooo yummy! I just love Summer!!

  • pezabelle
    12 years ago

    I'm beginning not to like this site!!! It ate my post yet again!!!! It really must be really hungry.

    So, as I forgot what I had posted....Nice to see you back were missed. We are such a small community, when someone is missing we notice very quickly.

    Maybe summer is getting closer for us, actually no rain in two days, but then the day is just starting. We took visiting family (their choice not ours) to Mt. Rainier to see all of the fog and over 60' of snow. Wow! June is just not the time to visit our mountains. Thankfully the rain held off for the family DD makes the best BBQ sauce, of course she uses my recipe only she does it better than me.

    As you all can guess I have been painting up a storm...hum..rain outside...nah! Anyway, it seems to take so much longer now then back 10 years, and I am finding that I really need to up my lighting. I finished 8 little signs and will post pictures before I seal them, the pictures seem to have less glare. I spent more time figuring out how I wanted things than it took to actually make them. No designers mind here!

    My planted seed are just now coming up, of course, went out and bought flowering plants, we time will tell as to which do better. So far nothing is doing anything. We actually hit 80 degrees one day, but most are in the 50's and 60's and still lots of rain. My mountain strawberries are loaded and starting to ripen, they are small but so sweet. We rarely get to eat any, the birds get there first.
    The moles and slugs are out in mass. DH goes out every morning and bombs the new holes and every evening to bait the slugs. All I need now is a snake or two to make my day bright! painting is waiting, you all take care, Anj...slow down girl and Luvs...glad to see you painting again, hope things are well with you! Punk...get your fanny back in here girl!!! FM...welcome back and to all you lurkers out there..."Sign In Please" to you young'uns, that was from a famour TV quiz show "I've got a secret"


  • pezabelle
    12 years ago

    OMG....first it didn't eat my post! Yippy!!

    Second...where did the awful red screen come from and how do I get rid of it?


  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Hi All, so nice to see your posts, hadn't realized I'd not read for awhile. I do seem to get sidetracked allot lately!

    Anj, you sound so happy and busy as usual. I know you do love the warmer weather. :0) I take it that you are feeling lots better since your surgery? Aren't you glad now that you had it done?

    Belle, I get such a kick out of your posts. You too are a busy lady. I totally agree about being slower than 10 years ago! You younger gals better get things painted now while you are FAST! LOL

    Franksmom, sounds life life has thrown a few boulders your way too, hope things are working out and getting better.

    Yes, I've been working in the yard some. Early mornings or evenings mostly, just can't take the heat. Cut back some bushes and trimming vines on the block walls. Big job, might hire it done next Spring.

    Anj, thanks for asking about us. Meds are helping and things are pretty good right now. Just taking a deep breath and trying to not let it overwhelm me. I think I've finally reached the "acceptance" level and will just take care of things as they come up and leave the rest in God's hands. Took me awhile to get to this point, kept thinking there had to be a way I could "fix it".

    Belle, I'm going to post the new Uncle Sam I bought over on the other side so be sure to take a peek. Yes, I could have made one, but sometimes it's cute and the price is right so you just buy it! LOL

    You all take care. I'll try to get back quicker next time.


  • pezabelle
    12 years ago

    Just a quick note....well maybe not as all of my other posts have been quite windy! good to see you again! I am so glad that you are coping and at the "acceptance" level. While reading your post I thought about the change that are happening here at home. I am only 3 years younger than DH, but I am starting to notice small things, not major as you have, but just the "old age" things that creeps up on one. DH driving not quite as skilled as it once was, more "rest" time and the old "early to bed" thing. And I guess I am to be really truthful....I forget things and have a slower time with most everything, except sleep....never seem to be able to sleep through the night and I am just to darned stubborn to take a nap...waste of time and then I sleep less at night. Ah! Here I go getting long winded again!

    I have been using my Cricut and what fun. Can't wait for the show to be over and then I can really learn what it can do, I still haven't gotten the Design Studio to work, just not willing to take the time to figure it all out. Made the cutest little flowers that use a Tootsie Pop as the center, found the idea on YouTube and added a few touches, such as a green leaf. And with using scraps of paper I have on hand from bygone projects, they cost almost nothing to make so I can keep the price down so that kids can buy them. Do you all remember you allowance? Mine actually got up to,as I remember it, a dollar a week, then I was babysitting and making my own money and the allowance ended. That was really "back in the day" when an allowance was more of a gift than an it is now.

    Thanks for the the "Uncle Sam," might try to do one..might not! But he really makes me smile and that is good.

    I actually thought Summer had arrived, we had two days of really beautiful, sunny, warm weather and now we are back to the rain.....will it ever stop raining? Gosh! I am complaining while so much of the country is underwater, how sad! I really do know what they are feeling, although our water came up and went down all in 24 hours, not staying around for weeks and weeks.

    I sure hope FM and Punk are doing well....I miss them! Guess we all have to take a "time out" once in a while.

    Gotta get with the painting thing.....gosh its almost fun! Doing a Santa by Chris Haughey in Q & E Dec 2010. Was leery about the lettering but it went smooth as cold butter on warm toast. The face is done and now working on the beard, so many base coats, maybe only 1 or 2 more. Everything else should go quicker. Do you paint the back when it will hang on a wall? I usually do the primary color, but what a waste of time and paint.

    Well, Santa won't paint himself...silly man! so I'd better get at it! Please take care!


  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Belle,thanks for the encouraging words. Yes, the golden years aren't always as golden as we'd hoped--but they still beat working! LOL

    Yes, I still paint the front and back with the base color, just looks more finished I think.

    I have a couple questions for you? Do you still sand and seal your wood before painting? Do you basecoat the whole piece before you transfer your pattern onto it, or do you just basecoat the individual sections? I've done these things both ways and never sure which way I like best! LOL

    Things must really be green in your area with all that rain. Do you just get little showers or big downpours? I know Arizona with the fires, and Texas with the droughts sure wish you could share some with them!

    Gotta get busy, be back later.


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