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Comments (16)

  • pezabelle
    15 years ago

    Luvs...glad whoever asked for them asked for them - they are super. Your snowflakes are great - you used several types and they work together. The manger scene is great and I love the lambs. You sure nailed the grass - I mess it up every time just like I do hair.

    Thanks for sharing!


  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    There will be more, I just ran out of time looking them up in Photobucket--glad you enjoyed seeing them again. Luvs

  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Here's a couple more:

  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    15 years ago


  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    One last picture. I think this is the most of them. There have been a few smaller ones with the one stroke roses also, but these will give you a good sample. Enjoy! Luvs

  • phonegirl
    15 years ago

    Luvs, I'm soooooooo happy. I jump on here, knowing I should be cleaning and ? and can't get over how wonderful your trays are. I keep looking and smiling...

    Thanks so much for taking the time to post all of these for me. They are beautiful and this gives me some ideas to run with. The last tray is not letting me enlarge, but one can tell it's beautimous. After seeing your snoman trays wouldn't the other holidays be fun for trays too?

    I was in TJ Max last weekend and they had sets of 3 trays like the first one for $11.99. I thought of you when I seen them and for got to tell you in case you have one close by.

    I have company coming tomorrow night so don't have time to play on her tonight. I'll have time this weekend to catch up. Thanks again. Take Care All, Punk

  • anjabee
    15 years ago

    I love Luvs metal rose trays. Those were the ones I was thinking of. I had forgotten about the nativity and the snowman one even though I like them a bunch too. ha
    When Punk said other holidays it made me remember that I did a Turkey on a tray. Should I post it here if I can find the pic or the post?

  • paintgirl2008
    15 years ago

    Luvs, your trays are beautiful! The snowmen and Nativity are great, and the roses are gorgeous-Roses are my favorite flower,I never get tired looking at all the different designs and styles of painting that people on here have and do!
    Happy Friday and Blessings on all!

  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Anj, you should post your turkey tray on the gallery. I just posted these here because they've already been posted over on the gallery at different times. I can't wait to see your turkey. I've got a couple of patterns with turkeys too, but just never gotten around to painting them yet.

    All these pictures were posted exactly the same way, have no clue why the fist ones open correctly when you click on them and the last four won't! Photobucket and I emailed back and forth for awhile and I even gave them links here so they could see the problem for themselves. Last I heard was "we're working on it". ;o(

    Paintgirl, glad you enjoy all the things on here, we like seeing your projects too, and love hearing your sweet comments too. ;o)

    Punk, I think most any design will work on a tray. PF teased me a bit about the nativity on a tray, but I liked the design and it fit the shape of the tray so well. LOL I just propped it on a shelf on my bookcase for Christmas, thought it looked nice. Don't forget that you can enlarge or reduce a design to fit better too. My neighbor gave me the wooden tray, then I found two more at the TS for just a couple dollars each. Need to get them painted too. I like finding things cheap that I can redo with my paintbrush. LOL I have several of the metal trays to get painted, some I've already sprayed with primer. I have one that is sort of ugly brass looking with side rails that look like bamboo or something. Need to work on that one and see if I can pretty it up a bit. LOL

    I'll repost a larger pic of the pink tray, it is my favorite and resides on top of my china cabinet in the dining room. Can't wait to see what you come up with for your trays. Have fun.


  • chris_2009
    15 years ago

    Oh they are so beautiful!!

    Never seem to have enough time to chat or paint.

    Wanted to say thank you to anyone who posted to any of my messages. Haven't had time to reply back.

    Hope to visit soon again.


  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Hi Chris, glad you stopped by. Sorry you are too busy to play with us right now, hope you will come by anytime you can. Thanks for the sweet comment.

    Hey Punk, guess what? You got me inspired to do something with the other two wooden trays I have. I found what I thought was a perfect pattern for Valentines for the larger one and got it basecoated and the pattern traced on last night. Can't wait to work on it some more--but will have little GD here to play with today, so probably won't get back to it until tonight or tomorrow.

    Hope you have been "inspired" too. Are you working on any Valentine's projects?


  • phonegirl
    15 years ago

    I'm so excited to see your trays. This has just put my thinking cap back on and I'll go see if I can find a project to paint on this wooden tray my sis brought me. Luvs, I know my projects aren't so much Valentines but I couldn't find anything I wanted to paint so I turned them into Valentines projects. LOL We always have snow for Valentines Day so why not a Snowy Valentine, right? I can't seem to get my paint to cover well enough on my roses. Do I need to do something different? I don't remember this being a problem before. Should I stop wetting my brush so much before dipping in my paint? As we say practice, practice & practice. Right?

    This is so fun to keep each other inspired. I really like looking at others projects more than mine so I understand why others look but don't always post. Seems like we are getting more action here doesn't it?

    Chris, I of all people know how busy life is. I am just so happy to come here and see projects that I feel we have to join in to keep this forum rolling. If we all set goals of posting even once a month it will keep us connected. Post when you can and know that we enjoy your company.

    Anj, I want to see your Turkey tray, please. OK I will go see what I can start painting on as soon as I get another load of laundry in. Super Bowl will be starting soon and no company so I might get another project well on the way.

    Always good to visit with all. Punk

  • anjabee
    15 years ago

    Hey, I just got done cooking all my snacks for superbowl and we did cake and ice cream during 1/2 time for the 11yr old. Whew. I'm not into the game since there are no teams I like so I'm going to sit down and try to finish up this dang leprechaun so I can start on my glass block Barb Jones Valentine. It has snowmen too. ha

    I had posted my Turkey tray a long time ago, but I think it must have dropped off the gallery cause it's not there anymore. I was just gonna post a link, but I'll just repost it here since we are talking trays. It's not that great, just a little wooden tray, and I don't want to bump anybody else's stuff off the gallery for an old post. The pic isn't that great either. It was taken with my old camera. Think I'll add some words to it this year when I pull it out. I added a hook to the back of mine to hang it. I save the big can openers on soup cans to put on the back of my projects for hanging. Do ya'll use anything "odd" for hanging stuff?

    It is really fun to have everyone joining in. Love to see everyone's projects since we all seem to have different favorite artists and projects that catch our eyes. Heck, I'd still like it if we all painted the same things because we would all have put a different twist on it I'm sure.

    Well, I'd better get off here and get to painting. ~Anj

  • pezabelle
    15 years ago

    Luv...your trays are so elegant! I have never done one stroke but yours are awesome and the blending of all of the colors is wonderful! I just might have to start looking for trays..

    Anj....I love your Turkey! I think I just ordered an older book with him in it...if he is - he's on my to do list. He is so animated. Might be fun making him a stand up Turkey.

    Just finished my Santa was a bear! Just about the only project I have had a hard time with in a very long time and I just did one in Nov., for a raffle prize...Thunk (yes - Thunk) I would have learned - but I wanted one for myself. Go Figure!

    Gonna run and make DH a banana split.....his team is ahead!

    Night All


  • phonegirl
    15 years ago

    What a cute Turkey. I just love it. His big shoes would be great as a stand up project, Belle. Thanks so much for posting it for us Anj. And Luvs, thanks for telling us about it.

    I didn't get my wooden tray painted cuz I couldn't find the right project to paint on it. However I did paint a leprechaun! After I started my leprechaun I decided I might paint a Victorian St Nick who will be pink. How I love pink. I bought a pink sweater and vest this weekend. Oh and new glasses. DD sent a pic message to DS and ask if he liked them and he text back Not Really. Maybe I should take a picture and ask all of your opinions when I get them. I had lasik surgery but still need them for reading and now a little distance. Sad, but I can't see myself all day so they won't bother me at all. LOL I picked the new blingy ones. What was I thinking, we'll see. I do care but I had shopping to do for other things.

    Belle, hope you get your santa bear posted so we can enjoy. I bet it is so cute and that's why you had to paint another one. I just told DH that I might start selling at craft shows if I ever quit the business. I won't have enough clients to give all my projects to and my family will probably start getting all they want also. haha

    Hope you all have a great night and I'll check in tomorrow after work. Punk

  • luvstocraft
    Original Author
    15 years ago

    Gosh, Anj, I don't remember your cute little turkey from before. Must be getting senile. He looks like he has "attitude", too cute! Sort of makes me think of Pat Olsen's designs.

    Punk, I love pink too--but I went back to red for my Christmas decorating. Might still be able to use some pink things in the bathroom and guest bedroom though. I've got some cute stocking patterns with roses on them that I want to paint before next year. Just bought some white "fluff" to go on the tops of them too.

    I'll bet your glasses look nice, with all the dreary winter weather, you probably needed something to lift your spirits and that should do it!

    Belle, that is good that you are painting another one for yourself. So many times we give things away then wish we had one to keep. That's why sometimes I will do two or three of the same thing--even though I'm not crazy about painting multiples!

    Anj, I've always saved the pull tabs from soda cans to use on the back of my plaques for hanging. They work great. I use allot of wire or ribbon through a couple of drilled holes too.

    Gosh, this is so fun having so many join in on here, love hearing what everyone is doing. What a busy group we have. ;o)
