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Speech therapy update

15 years ago

For those who remember my Q's about speech therapy...

BM agreed to let us take A__ to speech therapy over the summer. He'll only go a few times, and we'll mostly work on it at home because the public health system mostly deals with preschool kids, but he's going!

He had his first appointment today and was very well behaved! He listened, he had a great attitude, he tried very hard and it was quite successful.

The therapist decided to start on "Th" because he sometimes can do it, and sometimes it comes out as "F" or "S"... So it's one he's ready for and should give him the confidence to tackle "R" and "L"

Anyhow, said we can take him, but that she doesn't think he needs it because she can understand him. Gah! I wanted to shake her and say "It doesn't matter if YOU can understand him! The rest of the world can't and his peers make fun of for talking like a baby! Whether his caregivers understand him or not doesn't matter!"

So she doesn't want to practice it with him or take him to his appointments, but knows we're taking him and that we're practicing with him...

So that's good.

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