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How Do You Keep Your Mouth Shut?

20 years ago

I have a coworker who is a complete screwball and always complaining about money.

She has serious credit card debt, a SO that only works when he feels like it, they go out to eat all the time, she's always picking up takeout, she's spending money she doesn't have on a wedding, she's spending money she doesn't have on vacations, and did I mention she complains about money all the time?

Now, I have never, ever, ever asked her anything about her personal life or finances. She volunteers all of this information.

I'm trying to be strong and not share my true feelings, "Stop whining, stop spending money you don't have, and for pete's sake, tell SO to either get a real job or pull his weight around the house", but wow, it's hard some days.

By the standards of this particular board, I'm not terribly frugal, but I'm capable of putting cause and effect together and figuring out where I'm going wrong in terms of spending and saving.

It's really hard to listen to someone day in and day out who doesn't even have that basic awareness. How do other people deal with these situations? Just smile and nod a lot?

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