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Wasted food

17 years ago

A recent study in the UK found that on average we throw away around 1/3rd of the food we buy. I know that people do throw away a lot of food, I've seen it myself, but I was shocked by the figures. Many of the people in the study were too, they just didn't realise how much it added up to.

Thankfully, I have never thrown away large amounts of food. On a budget of 25 a week it just isn't an option. I do a lot of things to avoid throwing away food, but I'm wondering what everyone else does?

I've found that buying certain items frozen, dried or pickled helps a lot. It can also work out cheaper per kg as well. I also make meal plans for the week so I buy exactly what I need and nothing more.

They also said to watch out for the buy one get one free offers as they seem to encourage excessive buying and eventual waste. I tend to do well with these offers however, but often I'll eat extra of that item for the week or freeze one. It's not a bad idea to go shopping with a friend either, makes it more fun and you can split larger (cheaper per kg) quantities between you as well.

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