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Sept Birthdays in Birthday block Exchange

Kristene Smith
12 years ago

Just giving all members of the Birthday Block Exchange, advanced notice that there are 6 birthdays in September. Depending on how many groups you are in, you may have a lot of blocks to make. The first September blocks are due on the 10th, so we must keep working and remain on schedule. Here is the list:

Ribbons & Bows

Sept 10th - geezerfolks (Sharon)

Sept 10th - grammyp (Beverly)

Sept 23rd - kay_in_pa (Kay)

Make a Wish

Sept 26th - hazelnutbunny (Melissa)

Piece of Cake

Sept 17th - Teresa_nc7 (Teresa)

Sept 23rd - kay_in_pa (Kay)

* Please note: Kay is in 2 groups and has asked for the same block (Ribbon Quilt block) in both groups

* If you are in Ribbons & Bows AND Piece of Cake you will need to send 2 blocks to Kay, but can be sent in the one envelope.

Congratulations everyone on keeping up to date with the swaps. The 2 swaps for August are going well.

Do not add any posts to this message. I will begin individual posts for each birthday quilter closer to their birthday.


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