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(Maybe) My Stray

17 years ago

When I got home from the store last evening, this little girl trotted right up the driveway and cocked her head at me. Poor thing's ribcage was showing right through, so I coaxed her over to be petted, and got her to follow me inside.

Didn't have much in the house to eat - and DEFINITELY didn't have dog food (we just moved - it's still VERY bare in the house!!), so I attempted to feed her some leftovers from dinner with two slices of bread, broken up. Well, she licked the plate clean, and managed lick off all the seasoning and the bread was gone, but she won't touch fish. :) Go figure.

So, I cut up a chicken breast I'd thawed and cooked it on the stove top - she liked that well enough, it seems. This morning, I wanted to get something in her belly before we left for work, so pancakes is what she got.

We left her in the backyard for the time being, she ought to be fine outside today... the weather's not too cold here. I suppose if she stuck around, we'll stop by PetCo or PetSmart (whatever they have around here..) and get a fleabath for her, as well as a collar, food, etc... and see if they can recommend a vet in the area to get her spayed & checked out.

Suggestions of any kind?

What mix of breeds would you guess she is? (I'm thinking there's some ChowChow in there somewhere - she's got a purple tounge and bushy tail.... but was curious about what you guys would say.)

I actually had to hold her back from me to get a decent picture... she was very curious about the phone, and why I wouldn't let her close enough to get some sugar.

Tricked her into thinking we were going to walk out of the kitchen... she didn't make it very far ahead of me before she figured out she'd been had.

The look she gave me when I put her outside last night. Talk about laying it on thick.

"What's taking so long?" (I was cooking a chicken breast for her... we didn't have any dog food, and the poor girl really needed to eat.)

After I brought her pancakes out to her, I had to get to work... she just didn't understand why we couldn't have playtime first :(

Comments (69)

  • mes444
    17 years ago

    Just be sure to bring a sample of her most recent poop when you go to the vet so he has something to check for worms, etc. Great to hear that very cute pooch returned!

  • User
    17 years ago

    Oh, what great news, for her and for you. :o)

  • craftyc
    17 years ago

    Oh my goodness..she looks like such a sweetheart...I'm glad you posted that she was back..I have been checking regularly. Keep us up to date on her!

  • moonie_57 (8 NC)
    17 years ago

    whew.. what a relief! Glad she made it back. Will your fenced yard keep her in?

    Let us know all about her vet appointment.. and good luck!

  • yborgal
    17 years ago

    What good news! She's a lucky girl to have met up with you and she's smart enough to make you her Mom.

  • annzgw
    17 years ago

    What a cutie! My guess would be lab/shepherd. One of my previous dogs had the bushy tail and she was shepherdX.

    The dark or spotted tongue can be found in other breeds so it can be difficult to say for sure that she has any chow in her bloodlines.

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Mes: thanks for the reminder, haven't had a dog in a long time and I probably would have forgotten.

    Moonie: yep, the 6 ft fence had some wind damage, but we've secured it.

    Annz: I was thinking she had some shepherd in there... you can see it a bit more in her 'alert' face. (Plus, she's so smart!)

    Thanks everyone, for all the advice and concern.

  • User
    17 years ago

    Yay! "Whiskey" came back for more of the good life...I'm so happy for you and for her. Poor pup could use some "lovins".

  • beeanne
    17 years ago

    I've been quiet but watching this thread with my heart and prayers.

  • Bumblebeez SC Zone 7
    17 years ago

    That's great what you are doing for her!

    About the flea products though, you might want to read some of the back threads in regards to over the counter products to know what to avoid. Some are quite dangerous.
    For effective treatment, you need to get Frontline or Advantgae.

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    We took "Whiskey" on her first 'family walk' last night. As we made the last turn back onto our block, a black SUV was turning in. They made it almost to their house, and backed up to the curb.

    "Hey - that's our dog" :(

    I asked (probably more agressively than I should've)
    *Why doesn't she have a collar and tags?
    *Why is she eaten up with fleas?
    *Why is she underfed?

    She started in on me- "I don't have to argue with you - that is MY dog."

    I told her, "Look, I really don't have a problem returning the dog if she's yours. Pull up to your house, and we'll talk over there."

    Of course, my blood's boiling by now. More about the four year old, standing on the backseat with his head out of the sunroof than the dog, honestly.
    She pulls into her driveway, we walk up right behind her. Her little boy and daughter get out of the car, and the boy takes of like a shot, headed down the street. She IGNORES the little boy, trying to talk to me about the dog. (the little girl did eventually go chase him down, after being unable to get Mom's attention about it)

    Then come the excuses. She took the collar off. She's always been skinny like that. She gets out under the fence all the time. She doesn't have fleas.
    (Inner Monologue:)
    (She hadn't fooled with the collar I got her?)
    (Her ribs already looked better than the first night she came over... after 3-4 days of regular meals?)
    (Get the damned fence fixed?)
    (YES, she does have fleas. Hell, *I* have fleabites now, from bathing and petting her.)

    I finally got tired of it. She wasn't convincing me, and her kids were squirming seeing her all hacked off like that. I just stopped her, "FINE. You've got your dog back. If she wanders into my yard or down the street again, hungry, flea-bitten, and I find her, I'll take her to the pound. Fix your fence. Feed and care for your animal - or someone else will. Keep the collar."

    "Well, FINE. You can get off my property!" (No problem, lady.)

    *Note she was on her cell phone the entire time, going back and forth between conversations in tandem.

    *Also please note I'd NEVER take that poor animal to the pound. (I would, however, drive the dog 1 1/2 hrs away to a friend's house until I found a suitable adopter.)

    I know it's a matter of time, but all day today all I can think of is that poor dog... she must so confused!

    So... was it me, am I wrong? Feedback, pls.

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Now, I'm wondering about exactly what kind of neighborhood I've gotten myself into....

    *note to self- Do NOT judge neighborhood/neighbors by yard maintenance and rent rates.

  • vacuumfreak
    17 years ago

    HI there. I too had been quietly watching and trailing this thread hoping for a happy outcome for all parties concerned. With the number of cheerleaders you've gotten on here, I imagine the responses to this latest post will be a sight to behold. I am sorry that happened to you! What an idiot that lady must be. She doesn't deserve to have pets, children, or OXYGEN. I feel sorry for the poor dog. I know what a tough decision it must have been for you to do what you felt was right. I would NOT have given the dog back to such obvious idiots. I would have said, I want proof in papers and pictures that she was yours and that you are going to start caring about her. I'd have called the animal police on her! If they had lost their dog why weren't there any posters up? What is this world coming to?

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    I really didn't want to give the dog to her.... but her kids were right there. (and she was acting like a buffoon at the end of her driveway)

    I suppose I should just be patient. If she gets out as often as it seems (I honestly thought she was WILD. The pads of her feet, un-trimmed nails, just plain filthy, infested, the fact that a neighbor walking his dog had told us about her - "sweet stray girl-dog... runs the block around here, but I can never get ahold of her ;)") it should only be a matter of time.

    Until then, I'm miserable... and you know the poor thing's confused.

  • vacuumfreak
    17 years ago

    Wouldn't surprise me one bit if very soon she escapes from her prison and returns to you for some more of the good life! Unless her idiots have her locked in stockades now! :O(

  • yborgal
    17 years ago

    I agree with vacuumfreak.I would have asked her for proof of ownership, even if it were only photos of the dog. And until she produced proof the dog would have stayed at my home.
    Of course, it's easy to think of this as I sit calmly at home; if I had been at the scene I probably would have been flustered.
    Is the home close enough that you can take an evening stroll every day to see what's going on with Whiskey?

  • moonie_57 (8 NC)
    17 years ago

    Well, if you're not above groveling............. I'd catch up with the woman again and "apologize" for the misunderstanding and tell her what a wonderful dog she has.. how much you enjoyed her company.. how hard it must be for her (the woman) to give it the proper care, what with the children and all.. and how glad you'd be to take care of the dog for them and maybe buy all it's food, brushes and bedding (should she even have any). And be prepared with paper and pen to have it signed over.

    It might at least be worth a try. They probably enjoyed having the dog for the few weeks that it was an itty bitty puppy, and now that it's grown and the newness has worn off, she's just another chore now.

  • vacuumfreak
    17 years ago

    I agree Monablair. I thought about making an ammendment to my post right after I hit submit. I know that it's easy for me to say what I "would have" done, but not having been faced with the situation, who knows? There are many times when I am in a situation and need to defend something I stand for... I don't think of the what I should have done or said until hours later.

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    It was the kids, guys. That woman, acting like a buffoon and waving her finger in my face only reinforced the idea that she was an irresponsible, undeserving *&$%#!. My s/o was with us, and had his hand on the collar the whole time, ready to take her home with us at my say-so.
    But when the little boy started crying, and she just kept rattling on and on with her excuses, making it quite clear that she'd keep it up all night if she had to, I felt it would be wiser to just let her take the dog for the time being.

    As we walked away to go on home, the children ran back up to say thank you. When Whiskey makes it back out of there, I hope to trasport her asap, hopefully the children will just think that she ran off... and maybe, just maybe at least the kids will figure out that when you don't keep your animal at home, sometimes they don't make it back.

    They are only a few doors down, so we hear her barking at night.... but can't see much - everyone's got 6' privacy fencing around here, and that old bat is always at home, it seems. I'm biding my time.

  • beeanne
    17 years ago

    Here's what I think I would do. I would not whisk her away and find a proper home. You would like to have her,right?
    I would call animal control next time. I'd have her picked up and if the buffoon didn't go pay her fines to get her out, I'd adopt her myself and she wouldn't be able to do a thing about it.

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    My s/o was thinking the same thing. I wasn't aware, but he said TX in general fines pet owners pretty steeply. I'll be reporting her for sure.
    I'm not sure if we'd keep her, though. We're new to the neighborhood, making enemies already.... and I wouldn't put it past that woman to snatch the dog from my yard, or cause me and/or Whiskey some other type of grief. I think the first time she pulled any kind of stunt, I'd drive Whiskey out to my MIL's ranch or somewhere similar... where she'd have room to run and play... w/a few friends :)

  • User
    17 years ago

    My s/o was thinking the same thing. I wasn't aware, but he said TX in general fines pet owners pretty steeply. I'll be reporting her for sure.
    I'm not sure if we'd keep her, though. We're new to the neighborhood, making enemies already.... and I wouldn't put it past that woman to snatch the dog from my yard, or cause me and/or Whiskey some other type of grief. I think the first time she pulled any kind of stunt, I'd drive Whiskey out to my MIL's ranch or somewhere similar... where she'd have room to run and play... w/a few friends :)

    This woman shouldn't have KIDS, much less a dog. Clearly, she really doesn't care that much about Whiskey. I would go ahead and call animal control, like Beanne suggests...then, go back and bail Whiskey out and take her to your MIL's. I know you're going to catch some flak about dog thievin' but sometimes the animal's welfare trumps the neglectful owner's rights, in my humble opinion. I know in my heart that this creep won't part with the money it would require to spring Whiskey from critter jail. This is so sad...I was really hoping this girl would find a home with you, it really seemed from her pitiful condition that she was indeed a stray. I hope you continue to keep us posted...Take care...

  • Rudebekia
    17 years ago

    I'm sorry for you! I agree with beeanne 100%. Whiskey now knows he can get love and a good meal at your home. He will certainly be back! Call animal control immediately and get him picked up. Ask them about how long they hold animals; it is usually just a day or two. No doubt this woman will not pick him up if she's so distracted and negligent. Get yourself to animal control the minute time is up and adopt the dog. Get a collar, license, microchip. And he's yours!! I "see it in the cards"--this will work! God bless you for caring for this sweet dog. And please, keep us posted.

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Well, the day before yesterday, Whiskey was wandering around again - I saw her on my way home and whistled to her. She followed me around the block (lol) and I let her inside.

    We had playtime, and I fed and watered her. ......then the next morning, I took her to the Woods Animal Center. :(

    I've got her pet ID and have turned in my application for adoption (in case she isn't adopted). I'll be calling Monday to check on her, see how she's doing, and will keep in touch.

    ...just thought I'd keep you guys up to date.

  • Rudebekia
    17 years ago


    I am praying that you are able to adopt this sweet dog!! Please keep us posted.

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    her ID: - ID#A455339, she can be found at the link below:

    If her original owner finds out where she is before she has been spayed, she can retrieve her:

    ""Reclaiming Your Pet

    When you visit the shelter to look for your lost or impounded pet, be prepared to provide proof of ownership and proof of a current rabies vaccination in order to reclaim your pet from the shelter.

    Be aware that there will be fees associated with reclaiming the pet. Fees will be lower if the animal is spayed or neutered and vaccinated against rabies. If the pet does not have a current rabies vaccination, the shelter can provide the vaccination for a small additional charge.""

    but because she does get loose on a regular basis, I will not attempt to make my neighbor aware of her location until after the animal center has spayed her.

    All in all, I have to say - dealing with the Town Lake Animal Center has been a good experience thus far. Their website is pretty good, too - accurate within a 30-60 minute timeframe.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Austin Animal Control/Town Lake Animal Center

  • moonie_57 (8 NC)
    17 years ago

    awwww, she looks very sad and scared. Hope you adopt her, and soon!

  • Nancy in Mich
    17 years ago

    Here's hoping your neighbor does not bother to check for her at the pound! She deserves you! How long do they hold her before you are able to adopt? Also, were you asked if you knew who she lived with? I wonder if they have proceedures that guard against someone using the "turn in a stray" method of getting dogs away from stupid people, or if they encourage such rescues.

    We got our Casey Jones when an idiot young man down the street took him back to the Humane Society because he was such a bad dog. We met the dog on a Good Friday and had him at home until Saturday afternoon. When we found his "owner", he was still in bed after a big party. The dog cowered at his feet. I tried to give the guy info on positive training methods and offered to bring the dog to my yard to play with my two to wear him out a bit several times a week. Had not yet put in the gate and small amount of fencing needed to finish enclosing his yard, so the dog was on a chain when outside. He had gotten the dog in February, two months earlier. This was a 9 to 11 month-old Dalmatian mix, not a dog to keep caged and chained (if such a dog even exists.)

    When he told us he had returned the dog to the pound, I tried to get him out. It took three days for them to even admit that he was there and let me have him. Here, an owner surrender means the dog is not exhibited or available until three days have passed, just in case the owner changes his mind. When Casey met me again in the adoption room, Casey put his arms around my neck and moaned! He did not answer to his old name, Spots, but came right to me when I called him "Casey." I had only been calling him Casey for the last three hours we had him!

    He was returned to the pound after rolling in poop in his cage, escaping the cage, and rolling on the owner's new couch. We have had him four or five years now, and he has rolled in poop once (I think it had to do with the pig's ear they got for the first time the day before - the poop probably had parts of the ear in it and it seemed like wonderful stuff!) Anyhow, Casey is the cleanest dog I have ever met and he is my cuddle partner. He is ready for a nap anytime day or night! He is as soft as velvet and a real velcro dog. I call him my "spotted shadow."

    Here is a link that might be useful: Casey that First Christmas

  • mboston_gw
    17 years ago

    Good luck! I hope she ends up being yours one way or another. It would be a shame if you could'nt keep her at your house but then you or she might end up suffering the rath of the woman or her kids.

  • User
    17 years ago

    Good for you, and for Whiskey, foosacub. So, Whiskey's never been spayed? Since she was emaciated, flea-bitten, with no tags and worn-out pads...I sincerely doubt this woman has ever bothered to get Whiskey vaccinated. I also doubt seriously that she would part with the cash it would require to bail Whiskey out...even if she COULD provide proof of ownership, which of course, she will be unable to do. Thanks for keeping us posted...I'll be waiting to hear what happens next.

  • irishdancersgram
    17 years ago

    I've been thinking about you and Whiskey so much and was so happy to see you had posted again....I, along with all the others will be waiting for the "good" news....

  • User
    17 years ago

    Any news, foosacub? How long must Whiskey be there before you can take her home? I hope all goes well.

  • irishdancersgram
    17 years ago

    This waiting reminds me when my grand babies were on the way...I'm not good at pacing! Hope to hear about the "delivery" soon..

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Well, the shelter called me back after getting in touch with our landlord (we're leasing). We've officially been approved to adopt! :)

    Whiskey had yet to be medically examined and spayed when I spoke with them,... the day before was the last day the original owner had to come forward. Since we've been approved and they're up to their necks in dogs, she'll be on the express lane out of there! :) Because they are *so* full, she wouldn't even have been considered for the adoption program unless her behavior was deemed absolutely incredibly stellar, I was told. [the reality of how many good animals are euthanized strictly because of ovepopulation slapped me in the face at that point... :(..]

    The significant other and myself will be on a plane up north the 20th to see his father for the holiday, and we will be returning Christmas day. (sucks, but we saved $900 on airfare...) Hopefully soon after that, Whiskey will have had surgery and be recovered, ready for her forever home!

    (...but don't think I'll be going away - I'm sure I'll be around, chatting you guys up about obedience training and the like :)

  • Elly_NJ
    17 years ago

    Best of luck to you. That dog deserves you!

    But how will you handle the neighbor when you walk the dog??

  • irishdancersgram
    17 years ago

    Thank goodness...And don't worry about the neighbor, you're now the proud parents and you can prove it..Of course I'd be tempted to tell the neighbor a few things, like how to be a responsible furbaby parent etc. I'm really happy for Whiskey and you...

  • moonie_57 (8 NC)
    17 years ago

    I always love a happy ending.

    But, wait! It's not the end, just the beginning! What a wonderful Christmas present for all concerned. Congrats!

  • clg7067
    17 years ago

    I'm so happy for Whiskey. Those photos are adorable.

  • rivkadr
    17 years ago

    Congratulations! That is really great news. I will be really curious to see what the neighbor says when she sees you with Whiskey...

  • moonie_57 (8 NC)
    17 years ago

    The heck with the neighbor. I'd like to see Whiskey trotting past her old house with her new owner, nose held high in the air. :)

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Well, Whiskey's behavior was deemed incredibly stellar. :) So, she has been enrolled in the adoption program. I will make sure she's not 'in the system' for very long, though. If she is not adopted soon, I will bail her out. ...but I'd like to see her adopted to someone who didn't live on the same street as her previous owner, she is a real nutjob.

    I've applied to be a foster home for a Great Dane, through Paws of Austin. If I'm approved, I will only foster one, though... at least, until I'm sure Whiskey is settled in a forever home.

    I've put a listing on Craig's List - if you can think of anything I should add, please let me know!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Craigslist Ad

  • cjhwillis
    17 years ago

    Call every rescue group in the area and ask them for a courtesy listing on their websites. Most rescue orgs utilize and link to the petfinder site to advertise their animals.

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    sorry about the craigslist link, apparently I was still logged in **duh**

    Thanks for the info, cjh - I'll do that!!

    here's a better one below:

    Here is a link that might be useful: Whiskey's Link to Craigslist

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    Thought I'd let everyone know: there was a happy ending :)

    Whiskey is now in her new home with a new family - I was told she was adopted by a family with two kids on the 18th, I think. I was pretty busy with Christmas travel plans and relatives to see, so I'm sorry about the delay. We got back into town around 11 last night, and I couldn't wait to tell you guys. (How sad is that?? LMAO)

    I'm so glad Whiskey was home in time for Christmas. I'm also grateful that she was adopted by a family with kids - she'll certainly love the exercise!

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    on a ha-ha note: my s/o's big joke now is that I'm the neighborhood dognapper.

    oh well. :)

  • irishdancersgram
    17 years ago

    You can be very proud of your new title, "Neighborhood dognapper"...It must be a great feeling, knowing Whiskey has a loving forever home....Tell your s/o, we think you're a very special person.....Hugs

  • cynthia_gw
    17 years ago

    "I was told she was adopted by a family with two kids on the 18th, I think. "

    Didn't the original owners have two kids?

    The plot thickens...

  • clg7067
    17 years ago

    Oh, cynthia, don't say that! But I wonder if the original family ever even looked for their lost dog.

  • foosacub
    Original Author
    17 years ago

    IDGram: It does feel wonderful... really made my Christmas that much better knowing she was in a warm home and not stuck in a kennel somewhere.

    LMAO @ cynthia!!

    She had three kids total, I believe. [But I asked the rescue worker when I called, and she assured me that it wasn't Ole Nutball, the description of this woman was quite different.]

    and no, clg, the family never did look for their pet, or I would have certainly directed them to the nearest phone book and told them to start with the animal shelters. Not so much as a flyer/poster. Oh well.

  • coolmama
    17 years ago

    What a story.If it was me though,I know this is wrong...but when the lady approached you and said "hey that's my dog" I would have said,"no it isnt!" Possession is 9/10's of the law.What an adorable dog.You are a wonderful person for doing all that.