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Tagalong friend problem

16 years ago

My third grade son just sprung this problem on us at the dinner table tonight.

It seems he befriended a second grade boy on the playground this autumn and they play alot together during recess. Apparently my son is beginning to feel smothered because this boy wants to play with him exclusively. My son would rather have more freedom over whom he plays with. He has tried to tell this boy in a nice way that he wants to play with other kids but the other child still tags along.

My son is getting frustrated and claims he thinks his next option is to be mean to this child, since he thinks that is the only way to "shake" him. I told him it was good to ask us to help him come up with other choices of ways to handle this one. I think calling the parents is an option of last resort, preferring my son to try to work out with this boy. But I can see he is struggling and I am at a loss of what to say is not ok to be deliberately mean, yadda yadda.

Any ideas?

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