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Stay at home mom - OR - working mom - what is your choice??

21 years ago

I am doing a research paper on stay-at-home moms versus FULL-TIME working moms. Please answer my survey to help with my research. Thank you.

1. Are you a working mom? If so, a) what age was your child when you began to work? b) why do you work? c) what is your job position? d) if your child is school age, do they go to latchkey or an after-school program? e) if your child is in junior high or above, are they home alone after school and for how long? - who cares for them in the summer months or during breaks from school? f) what are the ages and gender of your kids?

2. Are you a stay-at-home mom? If so, a) what age was your child(ren) when you began to stay home with them? b) why do you chose to stay home with your children? c) are you financially secure enough to be home and not work? d) what are the ages and gender of your kids?

Thank you, this will help my research. Looking forward to your replies. If you work part-time, please answer the questions #1, although I am most interested in full-time working moms.



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