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question about estrace cream

14 years ago

Is estrace cream a bio-identical hormone? Is it safe when used alone without progesterone? My gynecologist prescribed

this to me for atrophic vaginitis and said that she had never seen any harsh side effects other then some slight burning as very little of the hormone enters the blood stream...does anyone have experience with this?

Comments (97)

  • PiperKaren
    10 years ago

    I see that no one has written on this site for awhile but thought I would give it a try. I'm 70 years old and have been using Estrace cream for over four years. My doctor put me on it when I had a bladder prolapse due to vaginal atrophy. I had bladder surgery for the prolapse and was told to continue with Estrace the rest of my life. I was told to use 2.5 grams twice a week. I found that to be too much after about three years and changed to once a week, I'm still finding that is too much (most of it comes out) and am getting ready to change to 1 gram once a week as I have read that is a maintenance dose. The only problems I have had beyond the messiness is a little burning or itching when it is applied but I have the same problem when using lubricants for sex so I think that is my sensitivity. The other thing I am noticing is it tends to make my hemorrhoids flair up after I use it. Overall it has been very good to stop the atrophy and make sex near painless.

  • queenjan
    9 years ago

    I am 58 yrs old and for the past 3 months have had urinary tract infections which after the 5th antibiotic has finally been cleared up with macrodantin. The doctor has just prescribed estrace cream to be applied to the urethra area as well 2 times per week. Does anyone else have this issue. He said the tissue needs to be built back up as it has thinned out due to menopause and this will prevent urinary tract infections and frequency. This has not been a typical uti, no pain or burning just frequency.

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  • lpinkmountain
    9 years ago

    Queenjan I just wanted you to know that I have the exact same thing, constant urinary tract infections. Very frustrating. I have a loving and understanding partner but it depresses both of us because intimacy now carries with it a fear of infection, the opposite of warmth and love. We don't have sex except when I can take nitrofurantion a preventative antibiotic but that has side effects too. With vaginal atrophy the situation is getting worse with now burning and bleeding when I try to have intercourse at all. Now my doctor is prescribing all kinds of invasive tests including a ultra sound and uterine biopsy. Seems to me like the treatment is as bad as the disease! Keep working with your doctor and keep looking if you don't get satisfaction. The medical profession needs to really grow up about treating this problem. Seems like they don't have a clue and they need to do some research that isn't all focused on pharmaceutical company sales. I'm all for drugs but the shoddy way they are tested and promoted just irks me.

  • Kelliegirl
    9 years ago

    I am 60 and have been happily period and PMT free for 10 years. My doctor has prescribed Ovestin vaginal cream prior to my next pap smear. I have also just started a new and high pressure job and I am really worried that the PMT will come back with a vengeance and my blood pressure will go through the roof. I am really considering skipping the cream and the test as I am well and have no worrying symptoms.

  • mrsdeb
    9 years ago

    I have been using the Estrace Cream for approximately 1 year and although it did help with dryness, I just didn't feel like myself while using it. I am curious to know if anyone else has experienced the same. I recently stopped using it and I started to feel so much better and like my old self almost immediately! Please let me know if any of you have had the same experience.

  • garule
    9 years ago

    I know this is an older post, but I'd like to see if anyone else had weird head rushes and dizzy sensations when they used the vaginal Estrace? I was prescribed 1 mg twice a week and found that I simply can't do that much without these brain sensations. They are frightening.
    Then after about 3 weeks, my scalp started itching intensely and then my hair started falling out by the handful. Anyone else experienced this?
    I want so badly to restore moisture and be able to have comfortable sex again, but this isn't working without a bunch of horrible side effects.
    Anyone's experience might help.

  • glowacki_francois
    8 years ago

    starting taking estrace two months ago 1 gram every night for two weeks, then 1 gram 2x weekly burning and itching became nonexistent after six weeks, but the last two weeks it seems to be returning what should i do?

  • padshead
    8 years ago

    Hi Kelliegirl - I too have been prescribed Ovestin Cream and hope for the positive results the girls in previous posts have mentioned. I am hoping it will also lift my spirits along with my libido - I miss being close with my husband. I was previously on Kliogest oral medication which helped all symptoms (excepting sadness) but then bled heavily for 3 weeks and my doctor sent me for a Hysteroscopy which came back with all clear results. I would steer clear of anything Kelliegirl if you are free of all symtoms. Perhaps they could just use a strong lubricant or numbing cream for your pap smear if it is painful? Good luck with it all everyone - such an awful time:(

  • Linda
    8 years ago

    I'm a little worried. I just got a prescription today for estrace. On it it says 1 applicator full daily for 2 weeks. For itch and pain. I'm 47 still periods. Isn't that prescription too much?? That's 4mg a day?!?!

  • Jillian - Interior design student
    8 years ago

    Lina your instructions must be an error. Check with your DR. 1mg/day for the first 2 wks then 1mg every other day after that -or- sometimes just 2x per week ongoing is fairly standard.

  • Linda
    8 years ago

    No it wasn't. She really wanted me to do 4 mg a dag for 2 weeks. I had done that and my blood pressure shot up to 110/160. Felt really miserable for 30 hours. I'm thinking..... Not so good obgyn. Not going back ! Thanks for your reply !

  • Jillian - Interior design student
    8 years ago

    I'd say a second opinion is in order. I have been on Estrace for about a month. It has helped with no noticeable side effects.

  • nlkyle111
    8 years ago

    I just started using Estrace 3 days ago....2gm every night for 1 week and then cut back to twice a week. My issue is swelling around vagina and a bit of cramping....did anyone have these side effects after initial use? I too am post menopausal and have thin walls, dryness and painful sex.....I am hoping this will help, but concerned about swelling.

  • Jillian - Interior design student
    8 years ago

    nlkyle if your side effects are problematic I'd ask your Dr about decreasing the dose. I'd actually just do it on my own, but that's me.

    I did not have swelling or cramping but used only 1mg per night for the first 2 weeks and have since toggled down 2x/week. I've been using Estrace now for 2 full months and the results have exceeded my expectations. I am pleasantly surprised at how quickly and completely it works. I'm back to my old self, or should I say my "young" self? I get a little tired of all the prescription ads on TV these days, but am thankful I became aware that my painful intercourse was not rare, far from it.

  • nlkyle111
    8 years ago

    Thanks Jillian! That helps a lot...I stopped using it for a couple nights and will pick back up tonight. I plan to call the dr today about lowering to 1 gram and go from there. All these posts have different suggested dosages, so I can see where it is kinda of trial and error right now. Great to hear that there is light at the end of this painful tunnel!

  • Jillian - Interior design student
    8 years ago

    Pun intended I assume. Best of luck!

  • nlkyle111
    8 years ago


  • shirley2396
    8 years ago

    My doctor just prescribed Estrace for me yesterday and started me with 4 grams that she dosed me with at her office with instructions to do 2 gram doses daily thereafter. Later that day I started bleeding and have been bleeding steadily ever since. Has anyone experienced that effect and should I be concerned?

  • nlkyle111
    8 years ago

    Shirley, I have read that Estrace can start your periods again especially if you have recently stopped. I encourage you to call your doctor and discuss this before continuing another dose. Better to play it safe. It could have been just too strong of a dose for you. Good luck!!

  • rcloset
    7 years ago

    Is burning and itching normal when first starting Estrace? Does it go away? I use 1/2 gram everyday.

  • rcloset
    7 years ago

    Is burning and itching normal when first starting Estrace? Does it go away? I use 1/2 gram everyday.

  • User
    7 years ago

    I've been using Estrace 0.01% cream for several months for atrophic urethritis and atrophic vaginitis. My doctor recommended I use 2 grams a day for the first 2 weeks, then, 1 gram twice a week, thereafter. I noticed breast tenderness and some bloating during the first 2 weeks but those symptoms have disappeared since I decreased the dosage to 1 gram twice a week. It has relieved the symptoms of both conditions, so, I am pleased with this treatment.

  • Kathryn Crees
    7 years ago
    deb483 I also was wondering if anyone else has developed face break outs. I have gotten a number of whiteheads since using this, which is not typical, and was thinking this could be the issue.
  • Suzie Peck
    7 years ago

    This is an old thread! lol But I have a small cystocele and mild prolapsed uterus. Also vaginal atrophy. I have a compounded form of Estrace which I am told is paraben free. I have not taken it yet. I am horrified about side affects. I have just lost 115 pounds. I do not want to gain weight or get cancer. I cannot seem to calm down about this. It is the cream. Can anyone offer me some encouraging words. I need them as I am on verge of crying. I'm 60. Thank you ladies!

  • nlkyle111
    7 years ago

    Suzie, I just switched over to a compound too and I like it better! With the Estrace I always could smell a funny odor when I went to the restroom, but with this compound there is no odor. I use it only once a week, 1gm....which I got to after a lot of trial and error, but it's working for me. The less you can use the better. I'm also 60 yrs old too! Hope this helps!

  • gulfofmexico
    7 years ago

    nlkyle111, do you know what is in Estrace that is causing the funny smell? Anyway, I'm 55 and menopausal 5 years now, gyn said I had the vag dryness too. Haven't had sex with my spouse in almost a year. Well, tried but he always quits because he doesn't want to hurt me. The pain is only on the entryway if you know what I mean. I'm desperate. I am going to try Estrace and see how that works but I am very sensitive to additives for lack of a better definition. So if I decide to go with a compound I'm not sure what to ask for.?? My doctor will have to right a prescription and I want to be able to communicate with him. Anyone else out there with helpful comments as well. Feeling positive about this. :))

  • Suzie Peck
    7 years ago

    Are any of you ladies on facebook? I still haven't used my compounded Estrace. Chicken little here about side affects and cancer. I might cut my dose down from 2 grams a night to just 1 gram a night if I get brave enough to try it!

  • Suzie Peck
    7 years ago

    Gulfofmexico, tell your doctor to send a script to a compounding pharmacy. I am sure he or she knows of one. If not I can give you the phone # to mine. Then you tell your doctor to call the pharmacy. The compounding pharmacy version is paraben free which I do like even though I haven't tried it yet.

  • nlkyle111
    7 years ago

    Gulfofmexico, I totally understand your sounds just like mine! I was told by my pharmacist that the compound was the same as Estrace except that it was paraben free, so I'm guessing that is what was causing the smell. There is no smell with the compound and no side affects so far. Any pharmacy that does compounds will know the formula for Estrace. And Suzie, the risk for cancer is the same for Estrace as it is for the compound. Also, my dr told me that the less I use the better it is for me, so I would suggest using the 1 gram dose daily for a week and then backing off to every other day. If you are still without pain, back off to twice a week until you reach the minimum use that still works for you! Hope this helps!

  • Suzie Peck
    7 years ago

    I am pretty much pain free the last few days although I haven't started it yet. I mainly need it for dryness. My doctor wants me on 2 grams a day for 2 weeks then 1 gram twice a week but I am not going to do the starting dose of 2 grams. I just need to get brave and do it. I know the risk of cancer is minimal but it's still hard for me. I also know there are alot of women on this and they do swear by it. So one of these days! :-)

  • nlkyle111
    7 years ago

    And Suzie, the only weight gain I've seen is from eating too much at Thanksgiving and the Christmas holidays!!

  • nlkyle111
    7 years ago

    Suzie, have you tried the KY Liquibeads? That may help with the dryness, if you aren't needing anything for atrophy. It's a bead you insert to add cancer risk.

  • marsha_brown85
    6 years ago

    I have never used the cream b4 does anyone know after inserting the cream in you use the restroom on wipe is there suppose to be cream on the tissue are is it suppose to stay inside of you ?????

  • nlkyle111
    6 years ago

    Hi Marsha! I always pee first and then use the cream right before going to bed at night, this gives it a chance to absorb without gravity allowing it to leak out. The following day I usually use a thin pad because a little will leak. Not to worry if some leaks out.....

  • marsha_brown85
    6 years ago

    After using the restroom when wiping is there suppose to be any cream on the tissue are is it possible why using the restroom can a lump of cream come out into the toilet. In how long b4 you start to feeling a change?

  • marsha_brown85
    6 years ago

    Nklyle111 thanks for the response it after I insert it I want go to the restroom for hours afterward in when I wipe there is some cream on my tissue am inserting it all the way in

  • nlkyle111
    6 years ago

    How often are you using it? I'm only using it once a week. It may be that you are already saturated with it and don't need to use it as often. It's really trial and error with the dosage...amount and how often. I saw results within a couple weeks. Still have minor pain during intercourse, but nothing like it used to be and it only hurts for the first 2-5 minutes.

  • marsha_brown85
    6 years ago

    My crazy self read the instructions wrong it said 3 times a week why was I doing 3 times a day for 2 days until something said look at it again so I ain't did none 2 days now feeling a little better Lil burning no itching haven't had sex yet but thanks for replying I was scared

  • nlkyle111
    6 years ago

    Oh my Girl!! You were definitely over loaded!! You might wait a week before using basically did 2 weeks of dosages in 2 days. I had to back off my dosage to once a week and only 1 gram. When I first started it was 2 grams for 4 days straight and I felt so swollen in my vagina.....I stopped for a week and then started back with 1 gram twice a week, the second dose of the week would come back out in the morning, so I backed off to once a week! Good luck to'll figure out over the next month what works best for you.

  • marsha_brown85
    6 years ago

    Thanks feeling much better now I haven't used anymore since then

  • marsha_brown85
    6 years ago

    Is it ok to have oral sex if you haven't used estrace cream in a week asking for my friend am still using it

  • nlkyle111
    6 years ago

    Hasn't been a problem for me and I wasn't given any warnings about that! No complaints from hubby!

  • rsdalton4
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Has anyone had weight gain or high blood pressure after starting Estrace? I started 1 gram once a week 2 months ago for multiple UTI's and gained 7 lbs, a headache and my bp went to 156/110. I have now been put on bp meds, I'm 70 and never have had bp over 90/60!! Very scary,and I don't like bp meds! Thanks ladies, Rayma

  • Gariel McGough
    6 years ago

    My doctor prescribed me with Estrace 2mg/day for 2 weeks then 1x/week for maintenance. Im 24 years old and started Depo Provera ( Birth Control Shot ) November 2016 so I've currently been on it for almost a year. Ever since I've been on the shot I've been having painful sex which led to tearing and sometimes yeast infections due to chaffing but never associated it with vaginal dryness. I'm taking a break from birth control for a while just to see if my natural lubrication and libido goes back to normal with a little push from the estrogen cream just until my hormones are back to normal then i will stop the cream for while

  • stargazer475
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    The number one risk on the National Institutes of Health list is estrogen replacement therapy without the use of progesterone (which I read that Estrace does not have). I used Estrace (with applicator) all 2013 and in 2015 was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and a had a hysterectomy. In 2017 the cancer returned. Related to the Estrace? I'm not sure, but out of my four grandparents, my parents and their nine siblings, none of them has had cancer.

  • nlkyle111
    6 years ago

    Thank you so much for sharing this!! I have not heard any results of cancer from anyone......I will bring this up with my dr.

  • pa69
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    I just found this thread after researching problems associated with the estrase cream. Originally I was perscribed it a number of years ago for vaginal dryness. No side effects that I remember. Minimum relief noticed. Then I used it awhile externally to treat/shrink a ureathal carunkle. again no side effects that I recall. Recently I decided to try it again for extreme dryness and basically nonexistent sex life. The next morning after using it, I developed cramping, severe lower right back pain that seemed to radiate to the front and gas. Had myself checked out by both gasto doctor and gyno. Everything ok . Neither thought symtoms were related to the Estrase. Doctor did say that the ureathal carunel was back and larger and when I expressed hesitation about using estrase again, suggested using just a dab externally to treated caruncle only. I have since tried using it this way twice, and both times experienced lower back pain, gas and some cramping for at least 4-5 days. Did anyone ever experience anything like this? I do not want to use it at all now.

  • Sandi Clarke
    5 years ago

    Just adding my ten cents worth, having read everybody's different experiences. I was seeing pink streaks of blood on the toilet paper after urinating, and at first thought it was a urinary tract infection. Antibiotics for that didn't make any difference. Then I tried to determine if it was really urinary, or perhaps vaginal instead. It seemed like it was both which seemed crazy and impossible and scared me half to death. And it was only apparent when I wiped after urinating. It wasn't like I was bleeding like with a period or anything like that. Long story short is doc explained that the urethra and the vagina share a wall, and that as I'm nearly 65 and about 13 years past menopause, it was probably that shared wall that was atrophying (drying out) and causing the light bleeding. Which made sense as my husband had major surgery about a year ago and as he's 78 years old, we just haven't gone back to regular sex which had probably been keeping my vagina well lubricated. Anyway, doc prescribed a pea sized amount of Estrace externally three times a week. I tried that for four weeks and it made no difference at all. I did some research and as I trust the Mayo Clinic, I went with their recommended dosage of 2 grams daily, some just inside the vagina with my finger, the rest externally, for one to two weeks. Halfway through the second week the bleeding had completely gone away. Mayo then says half that dosage for the next one to two weeks, which I'm trying now, and then 1 gram three times a week for three out of every four weeks as a maintenance dose. I'm going to try the pea sized amount three times a week instead and see if symptoms come back - hopefully they won't. I want to use the minimum amount possible, yet keep the problem under control. Only side effect I noticed was when I went to the 2 grams daily, my nipples were very sensitive but that has improved.

  • Sandi Clarke
    5 years ago

    Sorry, forgot to mention the other side effect -- pimples on my face. I haven't had acne since I was in puberty, and have unusually clear skin. I've had a couple of breakouts that I can only think must be the higher estrogen. Ugh. It's like a tradeoff. Stop the atrophy but get sore nipples and acne. Maybe the lower estrogen dose will eliminate the pimples. Fingers crossed.

  • P Van
    5 years ago
    last modified: 5 years ago

    For those of you having trouble with Estrace...check out estriol. It is one of the three types of estrogen our bodies produce and the weakest. However, it is the best estrogen for binding to receptors in the vagina and bladder and has weak binding capability in uterine and breast tissue. It has been used worldwide except in the US and Canada for over 60 years. It is an over the counter drug in Finland. The couple of posters who commented on being prescribed Ovestin...that is an estriol cream. The reason it is not widely available here in the US is due to the FDA being influenced by drug companies who have successfully made it difficult to procure. Since it is a naturally occurring substance it is not patentable and therefore not profitable. Check out the stories online about Wyeth and estriol. You can fill a prescription at compounding pharmacies if your doctor is willing. For more info...Estriol Information-Rebecca Glaser MD

    Another estriol article:Estriol Still Under Threat
