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floaters and lights in your eyes

sammy zone 7 Tulsa
20 years ago

Do any of you get floaters and lights in your eyes? I am asking here not because it is a menopause symptom, but because it happens to us as we get older. It happened to me 4 years ago and has started again last weekend in the other eye. The symptoms are those of a detached retina and are very scary. But my doctor assured me that it is as before. The gel in the back of your eye turns to partial liquid and causes the symptoms. The symptoms very closely resemble a detached retina, and the only way to get the reassurance that it is innocent is to have a complete eye exam, including having the doctor press around your eye ball. I feel better now, but am discouraged because for about another year I will put up with these symptoms until they dissolve. For me it is as if out of the side of your eye you think you see lights flashing, and when you look down sometimes you feel like something is there - like a loose hair.

Well, I am lucky and don't mean to complain. None of my friends have had this and I wondered if any of you have. I also sympathize with those of you who have had a detached retina. If you have never heard of this before, it is an emergency doctor call. It is very important to find out immediately that you don't have a detached retina.


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