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Offering to answer highly technical Q. Ask away

14 years ago

I'm a spectroscopist. That's a person who analyzes materials by the color of light they absorb or release when burned.

Because the field is all about knowing how light works

I've been able to answer questions about light in the

architectural environment also. Maybeit's because I

really enjoy architecture and invest in it.

So if you have questions which have not been answered

before please try to ask them now and give me a try at

getting the right answer. When possible I'll reference

my answer with web pages so you can read and understand more.

So give it your best thought. Be it about

Lighting and leds or CF or any lamps

Car Lighting

lightind and medicine

lighting and laboratories

lighting and your appearace

lighting and health

lighting and its history

lighting and science in general

lighting and animal life

lighting and where to use it

types of lights

efficiency of lights

how fireflies work

how genes cause plants to light up like bugs when they're sick.

How to build a science project using light

yep. I spent some time with light.

enjoy the offer. Tell your friends. Invite pretty girls

and bring smart people to the thread.

I'm in Central California.
