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Those wonderful neighbor kids

10 years ago

You might remember my post from last year when I mentioned the kids down the street brought a plate of cookies for George and I as they always saw me walking Buddy.

They brought some when we had to put Buddy down in February.

Well, lo and behold, the doorbell rang, Lily went nuts, and guess who it was? Yep, the kids. They had seen we had a new dog and had to bring a "welcome" platter.

I told them to tell their mom (and I will as well when I see her) what a great bunch of kids she's got.

AND! TaDa. I got all my baking done! I'm usually rushing around on Christmas Eve Day trying to finish things off. I finally got it all down pat and the last batch of Banana Bread is done and ready for delivery to neighbors tomorrow. Then tomorrow night George, Lily (his idea - doesn't feel she should stay by herself Christmas Eve) and I will be delivering our goodies to the Base Gate Guards, the local police and the State Police.

Merry Christmas to all my KT friends.

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