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Cataract surgery in my near future!

Mucb to my surprise, the reason behind my increasingly poor vision is the development of cataracts. I am very myopic in the first place and have severe astigmatism, to boot.

My ophthalmologist said that my vision can't be improved with a brand new perscription; I was shocked!

But then it was explained that my lenses would be replaced with new ones that would help correct my vision....and that I could invest in specialty toric lenses to correct the astigmatism, too. Insurance covers the standard new replacement lenses, I'll pay extra out-of-pocket for toric lenses.

Boy, I sure have been totally out of the loop! That's not at all what I understood about this surgery. It sure isn't what my mom underwent some years ago.

Please share your experiences with cataract surgery with me....I'm naturally apprehensive, but excited at the prospect of not being blind as a bat without my glasses. He said that many patients, even those with exceedingly poor vision, only require reading glasses afterwards.

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