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Two shots, long wait at doctors office.

10 years ago

Been trying to get in all week, after numerous calls to the doctors nurse, who gave me her number. I was told to call when I needed a shot and they'd work me in! NOPE~

No return calls. Waiting waiting, called office yesterday, and that didn't work.

Woke up this morning and THIS WAS THE DAY i WAS GONNA GET IN OR DIE!

Finally they worked me in and I had a nerve block and a cortizone shot, in two different areas.

They realized how bad off I was when the nurse saw me and escorted me to my room.

Well, it's done and hopefully I'll have enough relief for my cruise Feb 1.

Then I'm scheduled for the big test that decides which nerve is giving me the problem, in March.

Getting old is for the birds! For me at least, right now!

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