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Good Morning

Looks like we are going to warm up into the 20's today. The sun is coming up nice and bright, at least at the moment. The bird feeder needs filled but I am so short I usually have to have some one else do it for me. If it is down any lower, the cat's just jump and swipe at the birds and get them. I may bake some kind of dessert today, not sure what. Is anyone else baking today? Just me around here today and I like that. There is some laundry upstairs I could work on too. We have a lot of snow and later this week more to roll in again. I have always liked snow, not that I don't like the other seasons too. I had home grown fried eggs for breakfast again. Alyssa's 3 little hens have been keeping me supplied.I think when spring comes they will get some more pullets. What are the rest of you doing today, I know some have to go off to work, I guess I have not done much of that in my lifetime. We have always been a one paycheck family for the most part. I was a stay at home Mom. How is your weather, is it nice? Hope all have a great day.

Sue in Central Indiana

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