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Spice Happiness

12 years ago

Oh joy.

The space on my "L"-shape spice upper is *exactly* the right width to fit two-across 16 oz plastic spice buckets:

And the whole shebang fits all but the empties:

Sorry about the rotation; I can't get it to save and show the rotated image.

I've got "green" herbs on the bottom. 2nd shelf: Commercial grilling and pre-prepared blends; baking-type spices like alum and crm of tartar; clove, ginger; paprika, that sort of thing. Next up is Indian spices and bags of dried herbs, then astringents and big boxes of spices.

OK, TMI I know, even, probably, for the TKO.

Comments (16)

  • breezygirl
    12 years ago

    Not TMI. That's an interesting cabinet. Looks like you used every inch of space in your cab layout.

    Curious, what do you cook with that much ginger?

  • aliris19
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Indian food uses a lot. Pumpkin pie! Lots of it .... ;) The real answer is: I dunno. But big tubs of it at the Indian store cost less than teensy jars at a grocery store. I actually toss it into all sorts of things, stir-fried veggies. Smoothies. But I also don't use it up ;)

  • breezygirl
    12 years ago

    I haven't learned to cook Indian yet. Maybe in the new kitchen. Buying spices in bulk sure does save over those bitty jars. And I'm going to use the smoothie idea. :)

  • aliris19
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Want me to send you some?! :)

  • rosieo
    12 years ago

    Throwing powdered ginger into a hot bath causes you to sweat and is a good detox. (Now THAT's probably TMI, lol.)

  • Adrienne2011
    12 years ago

    I recommend fresh ginger, because it's so dang yummy and smells fabulous. It can keep for a while in the freezer. I don't know if it would work for pumpkin pie... maybe. I cook Indian occasionally and fresh ginger is nice for that.

  • cat_mom
    12 years ago

    What a clever and creative use of that cab layout!

  • flwrs_n_co
    12 years ago

    You've made the most of what many would have perceived as a problem cab. It's great that you've made the most of every inch, and it looks like your spices will still be easy to find and reach. Congratulations on making the most of an awkward cab!

  • desertsteph
    12 years ago

    I don't have enough spices to fill up one of those shelves...

    I think I will check out the 'bulk' buying tho - in small amounts (?). Our groceries usually have a space with spices sealed in plastic. not a baggie but the harder plastic that is often wrapped around a package. not in bottles or cans. no sense in paying for another bottle that will end up in the landfill either.

    Isn't ginger good for you health wise also? I should get a tiny amount and try it in something. stir fry?

  • Cloud Swift
    12 years ago

    I buy in bulk - usually from Spice House or Penzey's, but I refill smaller jars in my spice drawer from the bags and keep the bulk in the freezer so it will keep potency longer. I particularly find that ground ginger changes flavor if it is around too long.

    Like Adrienne, I mostly use fresh ginger. It has a wonderful and more complex flavor. When that isn't available, I prefer to use dried ginger that is in chunks that I can grind up in my mortar just before using for better flavor.

    Do I recognize a bottle of hing (asafoetida) on the top shelf? I keep my bottle of that in a glass jar in a tupperware box in my pantry and I can still sometimes smell a whiff of it.

  • aliris19
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Yup, there's asafoetida and a bunch of other astringents. They're good in Indian food too. *strong* (read: stink) - I think some Indians have other uses, for example I seem to recall hair benefits. Not sure, someone here might be able to enlighten us.

    Fresh ginger and dried ginger are different animals! I can scarcely believe they must hail from the same plant. To me they taste completely different. I actually did try to put fresh ginger in a pumpkin pie once, long ago. I hated it, though I think I could make it work nowadays. I do use sugared dried ginger for the pie (there's the remains of a *huge* glass jar of it in the left countertop-shelf of it in my pantry in some thread or other around here. I bought 30 lbs or so of it once. But leaving it visible will make short order of the rest I've no doubt).

    Rosieo, that use sure sounds interesting. Is it healthy? Perhaps so .... Wild.

    I am going to stop reading this stuff and go read some kitchen-activity. I think I just may have enough stuff unpacked to make some granola in the convection oven. Oh hold me back....

    But wait -- that's not a problem cabinet, it's my fav! The reason it's got a funny shape is around the corner, peeping out in the other direction into the "family room" is a bookshelf. The little shelf-extension inside was necessary for the door hinges to attach inside the cabinet, but as it turns out with that little shelf part I love the cabinet even more. It's the crowning jewel; perfect for oft-used spices vs the more store-able ones in the deeper part to the left. I think this is better than sliced bread, like totally.

  • blfenton
    12 years ago

    I use a lot of minced ginger (has to be kept in the fridge) for stir-fries, chicken dishes, beef dishes - you name it. But in pumpkin pie it would be ground ginger as you can disperse it better throughout the filling.

  • bigjim24
    12 years ago

    Have you tried Penzeys Spices? I order online and they are almost as fresh as out of my garden, even though they are dried.
    Sorry but I'm still new here and can't figure out the link thingy, yet.

  • raro
    12 years ago

    Interesting! I am about to buy a little stainless steel shelf to mount in my cabinet to stack my spice bottles on their sides. I have lots too. I asked my son to count them for me and he found 63 bottles. I have almost all the spices stored in old vitamin jars. This is kind of compulsive but I like having them all the same size. In my old kitchen I put them standing up in a top drawer. I have the lids labeled so it was easy to find everything. I hope this new arrangement works. I buy all the spices in bulk from the natural food store. Very economical and always fresh. We use tons of ground cinnamon in everything. We even make Valentine's decorations with it. Kids love to do this. Mix the cinnamon with enough applesauce to make a ball the consistency of dough. Roll it out. Cut it out in shapes. punch a hole with a straw. Let it dry and then string it on a ribbon.

    Also, I will have an odd shaped cabinet on the back side of the kitchen ledge. I plan to keep candle sticks and candles in there.

  • angie_diy
    12 years ago

    I agree that fresh and dried ginger are two different spices. Nice to have them both. Like Adrienne, I keep the fresh in the freezer. When you want some, you just grate it; frozen ginger grates very easily.

  • aliris19
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    Raro - we do the same for Xmas tree decorations! The warmth from the lights heats up the cinnamon and permeates the house with the smell. I just love it.

    I'm in awe of people with same-shaped spice jars. Next life. :)

    I was actually really surprised and pleased all my spices fit in that one cabinet; I was sure something was wrong. It was ... I unearthed another giant box today. S'OK, I'll offload some of the overflow into the overhead cabinets.