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Lost my father yesterday...he was only 38 years old

18 years ago

Yesterday my father died suddenly. One moment he was fine and the next he had fallen over on my mom in our living room and the paramedics said he died instantly. We have no clue what could have caused his death to occur so suddenly. The issue I am having is how can i deal with his death when I dont know the cause. I am 19 years old. My dad was only 38. I have 3 other siblings all younger than me. A 17 year old and 16 year old brother. And a 14 year old sister. My mom is having a terrible time dealing with this also. I had to be the one to tell my sister and my brothers found out from our aunt. I dont know how to help her and my siblings because my family is expecting me to be their rock. I am a full time college student who works full time also. This stress is overwhelming but i dont want to let my family down. I love them far to much. Does anyone have any advice on how I can help my family while helping myself?

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