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Did you have a job as a teenager?

This question was recently asked at The Kitchen Table Forum, and I no one replied that they had not had a job in their teen years. I found the many responses quite interesting.

I wonder what percentage of teens today have some sort of income, even if it is just occasionally babysitting.

Thread at The Kitchen Table Forum

My reply there was Picked strawberries for 3 cents a quart.

Baby sat a little until age 15 when I started part time waitress work at a downtown restaurant....50 cents an hour plus tips.

At 18 I got on at The Phone Company as a telephone operator (boy was that fun!) and then held different positions with them in different towns over a span of 30 years before retiring at age 48 with 30 years worked.

I forgot to add that somewhere in there, about ages 13 thru 16 I cleaned house for an elderly couple for a couple of hours every other Sat AM.

From the age of 15 on, I don't remember ever having to ask for money for anything, as I paid for my clothes, entertainment, etc and even my first car. I paid the insurance and put gas in it.

Did I mind working for the things I wanted? No, I didn't.

Do some parents today think that their children deserve a lot more than what they were raised with? Are a lot of parents today maybe spoiling their children by giving them too much, and not giving the children enough responsibilities?


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