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Carb Rotation Diet by Jayson Hunter

16 years ago

The Carb Rotation Diet ItÂs greate nutrition program created by a credible Professional Jayson Hunter.

As youve probably read somewhere by now, your bodys metabolism actually burns more fat when itÂs fed more often. So if you want to lose dress sizes and inches fast you need to be good to your body. And that means eating the foods it craves to help it melt fat. So here are 5 simple steps you can follow to help you lose twenty pounds of pure fat. And these steps will help you keep the weight off and end once and for all the yo-yo dieting dilemma.

1. Increase Non-Starchy Vegetable Intake.

2. Protein Should Be At Every Meal.

3. Eat Whole Grain Carbohydrates.

4. Eat More Healthy Fats.

5. Eat Frequent Meals.

So, Jayson Hunter RD, CSCS is the author of the Carb Rotation Diet. To discover the 5 absolute truths Every Serial Dieter Who Seeks Rapid-Weight loss MUST come to grips with visit The Carb Rotation Diet site:

Here is a link that might be useful:

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