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Designer boot camp...WWYD?

11 years ago

I asked DH for an all expenses paid "Designer Boot Camp" for Christmas. Lovely, he thought it was a lazy idea (no christmas shopping) umm I mean great idea, and he went for it though it's a bit pricy. So I contacted the designers office and despite an email and two calls, they haven't sent the details to me yet :( It's a major designer, I get that she's busy, but it's her assistant sending out the package so I'm this my first lesson????

Would you inquire again or give up? I worry about going down for an experience and it being this unorganized :( But I really LOVE the designers aestetic and want to suck her brain....heh heh I don't know what to do.

Comments (22)

  • crl_
    11 years ago

    Hmm, have they run this before? If so, maybe try again but ask for references and see if you can talk to someone who has been?

  • DLM2000-GW
    11 years ago

    Is this a one one one consult? A group class/question answer? At the office/showroom? In your home? What's the time element involved - 30 min, an hour...? I do think that kind of inattention would make me squirm and question - do they want my business or not? And if it's pricey, as you say, I'd want to make SURE I'm getting my money's worth. I did a series of 3 evenings with a designer and 5 other women, part class, part personal suggestions based on our own photos, fabrics, etc but it wasn't a lot of $$ so not a great loss when I didn't like any of her suggestions. One of the other classmates actually had far better ideas!

  • beekeeperswife
    11 years ago

    email me...beekeeperswife at gmail dot com

    And it's so good to see you again.


  • igloochic
    Original Author
    11 years ago

    They've done it before and they do it for both designers and people like me (what am I? lol I design for fun not for money). It's much like the class you are describing dml...very intimate, four days, six or so people, very one on one. I'm beyond excited to go but sheesh...I don't want to beg LOL They haven't even sent me the application so I can feel rejected cuz they don't like me heh heh

    DH says not to go, but I really wanna...said in a whiney voice. It's in California so no small trip to the local fabric can tell I'm on a fence can't you? :p

    And now I must email bee...that was very criptic LOL It's nice to be back :) I'm trying to be patient with the ipad and gw...they make it less fun :(

  • liriodendron
    11 years ago


    Where ya been, girl? It will be nice to have your "voice" back on here! All well with your boy, your DH and the reno?

    It's still the same GW except now we can edit our typos and snark. Oh and there's some new way to put a single picture in a post. (But you can still use the old way and put many pictures in a post, so I'm not sure that's much progress.)

    If you're using an Ipad how come your post doesn't have all those #@$%& characters all through it. I thought that was an artefact of Ipadishness.

    Can you turn yourself into DH's admin and call these people about this gift for the boss' wife?. You know, just to make sure there are no snags about the gift. Staff person to staff person is always useful for sorting out things.

    Liriodendron (who used to have another user name, but I forgot it)

  • DLM2000-GW
    11 years ago

    Well someone slap me - I'm such a dork!!! I read subject lines but don't always pay attention to who is posting and didn't even notice it was you!!! Igloo - what a nice surprise to see you here! Hope all is well in your world and that we get an update us soon.

  • lynninnewmexico
    11 years ago

    Ugh . . . just the name "bootcamp" sends images of some bigmouth-with-attitude military guy or gal screaming in my face. Having more than enough Scot in me, I'd probably deck somebody at any kind of bootcamp (LOL). Just that name ~ "Bootcamp"~ would be enough to put me off. Have you looked into how they treat their "recruits", Iggy? For that kind of money, you should be pampered there.

    This post was edited by lynninnewmexico on Thu, Dec 6, 12 at 15:43

  • igloochic
    Original Author
    11 years ago

    It's a high end, wine loving english gal who is funny as all get out Lynn, so there will likely be no actual boots in the camp heh heh But lots of wine :p

    She likes to eat well, design well and drink well...she's my twin only taller, skinnier and has a bigger nose :p

    Thank you for the warm welcome gals :) I miss GW but it's such a pain on the IPad! Not the funny characters (I don't know why some people do that LOL) but to post pics and share...which makes GW not as much fun. But I'm in a decorating mood so I thought I'd go ahead and try again and see if I can cut and paste better than I used to on this silly Ipad.

    The house is wonderful...decorating is a bit of a challenge as reality sets in and we have to spend our money on the shell prior to having fun in the house, but still I've had a good time. We did put in a modern heating system as well as a garden, fenced yard, herb knots and a maze :) That was fun. I've become a bit of a gardener.

    DH is well, crazy business as always and DS is unrecognizable. He's just turned 7 (which makes me 30 right?) heh heh Who would have thought I'd have a 7 year old at 50....anyhoo, he's so WELL here! It's been worth the move to see how few times he gets sick. It's still more than the average kiddo, but he's growing, blosseming and generally making me nuts as any 7 year old should do.

    So as to the subject....I think I'm going to go ahead and call since it's clear from my whining that I want to go LOL I had to convince me to do it I guess. Bee has convinced me to do it :p silly girl. But I think I'm going to ensure they email me the package NOW to be clear what's expected (it requires homework) and that I can actually do it.

    Then I can share pics on GW...maybe...if the danged new system works heh heh

  • patty_cakes
    11 years ago

    Larger-than-average nose, English, likes her wine, loves to eat, skinny(?), and I *have* seen her in boots. Well, who else could it be other than Kathryn Ireland?

    I've seen the show and she seems very disorganized(almost chaotic), and not as confident in the outcome of her design as she should be. Could be being on tv makes her nervous but IRL she may be genius. Her assistant seems to have her head on straight though. Hope it's all you're expecting it to be.

    Here is a link that might be useful: KI boot camp

  • cooperbailey
    11 years ago

    Igloo- go for it.

  • chispa
    11 years ago

    Sounds like her ditzy French housekeeper is also running the camp! ;-)

  • maddielee
    11 years ago

    Igloo, I use an iPad. For me its easier to post with then a 'real' computer. It took me awhile, but once I learned to use the 'apps' and not go to websites it all started making sense.

    The photobucket app lets you tap the code and it automatically copies it so its easy to post in a message.

    Good luck! You'll get it.


  • igloochic
    Original Author
    11 years ago

    LOL Yes it's KI and I don't think the housekeeper is coming :p but she would be a hoot!

    I wouldn't say "skinny" just skinnier than me! Though I'm working on it heh heh But you are right...I might need to pack some boots...

    ML you may have saved me life...I'm going to try that app now. I really hate using PB now with the ipad but I've got so many photo's there it would be easier...I'll give it a try!!!

  • PRO
    11 years ago

    Most of the deign boot camps I hear about seem more like a marketing ploy for the designer but I am so in love with KI that I'd take the risk. Even if all we did is drink and laugh, it would be money well spent!
    Lucky you!

  • beekeeperswife
    11 years ago

    I've got my boots!

  • kitchendetective
    11 years ago

    What a turn off. She is supposed to offer insight into the professional design world and starts off by introducing you to unprofessional, unresponsive, and ill- planned practices? I like many of her projects, but I wouldn't pursue "Boot Camp."

  • User
    11 years ago

    Wow, I really love Kathryn Ireland's work. I had no idea she did a boot camp. If the extra money spent wouldn't cause your family all that much heartburn I would definitely go for it, even though it seemed disorganized at first. It might be worth the $$ just to hang out and pick her brain.

    As an aside - I had a somewhat familiar experience at my workplace. There was a woman (who worked in a different locale and whom I'd never met in person) who I needed to do something professionally for one of my research projects (run a focus group). All through the planning she seemed totally disorganized and non-committal. But when the time came to do the deal, she was phenomenal and I learned a lot by watching her.

    Please keep us posted - I hope you go!!

  • yayagal
    11 years ago

    Lucky you!!!!!! It's going to be a great experience and many of us here wish we could be there too. She's a terrific designer.

  • igloochic
    Original Author
    11 years ago

    She sent me an email and the details yesterday. They were revising the 2013 schedule and I should have been told that but all is now well :) I'm going!! What kind of boots are required at boot camp in California? I'm thinking it's prada or something LOL (ok I don't have those but it sounded right and I can't spell Louis Vitton) :p

    I worked a lot like KI when I was in banking oh so many years ago. My office was scary to the ultra organized, but I was great at what I did so I understand the chaos approach. I was just kind of worried that as a "non designer" I might be getting a subtle blow off :(

    And we do get to see the housekeeper LOL

  • chispa
    11 years ago

    Is the boot camp in the LA area? If so, we should plan a Los Angeles THS get-together! Between kitchen & decorating forum there are quite a few peeps in the area.

  • rosylady
    11 years ago

    Well...that's just....FABULOUS! I've always liked her work, but I LOVE her as a person after watching her on Million Dollar Decorators.

    I have an amazing picture of her on my Pinterest board - the one where she's perching on the edge of a desk...all legs and hair and "busts", as she calls them.

    I am considering one of her fabrics for dining room curtains. I read a lot of design blogs, etc and she has, hands down, influenced my style more than any other designer in recent years.

    I am jealous!

  • igloochic
    Original Author
    11 years ago

    BTW, chipsa, I haven't done a get together since Baltimore when my son was two :) I had such a good time meeting folks I had read about, seen their kitchens, etc. We met at PF Changs :) A few also came to the hospital or met me for lunch....I have such happy memories of those people (cooperbailey being one of them). I'd love to do a meeting. I need to get the agenda to determine when I have to be there and when I leave (it's the 22nd through the 25th?...thursday through sunday) so I'm guessing a Wednesday dinner or thursday lunch because I have full days from that point).

    I will have the actual location this week (It's LA...but LA is big LOL) and my hotel info as well likely. I hope people might make it. That's so much fun!!!