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What Not To Wear

10 years ago

This Friday (9/27) our DIL's twin sisters will be on TLC's What Not To Wear. They taped in NYC last May so we've all been anxiously waiting for the airing. So set your DVD players for 10 pm ET to TLC!

Comments (35)

  • golddust
    10 years ago

    I saw the trailer for that one. I record all first runs of WNTW. Can't wait!!

  • nhbaskets
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    Going to a viewing party Friday night. The girls were interviewed today by the local paper and I understand a TV station has contacted them. Should be a fun night.

  • yayagal
    10 years ago

    I love that show, I'll be watching.

  • golddust
    10 years ago

    I love the people I meet here. Wish there were more contributors. I am so excited for Fridays viewing. I will pay close attention. Does your DIL look like them?

  • ellendi
    10 years ago

    I watch on occasion. I don't think they have ever done twins. I imagine they will give them each their own very different style.
    I'm a fraternal twin and anything about twins is always interesting to me.

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    10 years ago

    Oh how exciting...last chance as this is the last season for the show.

    Actually, they have done twins was a yoga instructor who really wasn't into the process at all as I recall.

    I record the show regularly so I'll watch it for sure.

    So it's been several months since the makeover...what I'm really curious about is, have they stuck with it? Or have they slipped back to their old ways?

    I've always wondered about that, esp when Ted gives someone with curly hair a straight look and whether or not they stick with all that blow drying....or when he cuts their bangs so they are in their eyes all the time...

    This post was edited by AnnieDeighnaugh on Thu, Sep 26, 13 at 8:52

  • User
    10 years ago

    Isnt that the show with the really snotty man and woman who consistently recommend dark jeans and heels for almost every occasion? I've seen it occasionally when in hotels as we don't have a tv per se, they have got to be the meanest and rudest people in television. I think some people have actually looked worse after their recommendations--- they are all about fashion rather than what looks good for the individual. Good luck to those twins, poor things! I think it would be so much easier just to get a personal shopper from Nordstroms---- they are also free AND private :-)

  • tinam61
    10 years ago

    How exciting!

    I don't watch the show, but have seen it and will try to remember to catch it or record it. Have fun at the party!!


  • neetsiepie
    10 years ago

    I'd love to hear an update, too!

    I just got a glimpse of myself on a low quality video and boy, let me tell you, if anything is an incentive to get a make over that would be it!

    My outfit is acceptable-but my HAIR! UGH! And I need new glasses. I look like a FRUMP. Sheesh.

  • ellendi
    10 years ago

    I remember once when they straightened a young woman's hair from her curly look, she looked in the mirror and said, "this looks like sh*t!"
    When they had her do her reveal, her hair was back to curly.
    I wonder too if the participants actually keep up with their new looks.
    Maybe the next show can be a "where are they now?"

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    10 years ago

    I think for the most part they have done a great job of getting people to look better and more appropriate. Especially considering what they were dealing with...a woman who was wearing ripped jeans, including a rip that showed her behind, to work...a woman who wore fairy wings on her back, a woman who always wore a purple raccoon tail, a woman who did all her shopping at adult stores, a woman whose outfits were so bad, the church choir all voted to acquire robes, a woman whose outfits caused her company to institute a dress code....

    They certainly helped me upgrade my wardrobe...

  • rdquilter
    10 years ago

    I think they have gotten a little "meaner" as the years went by- TV nowadays seems to require high drama.
    But I think they make most people look fabulous with very few exceptions and it seems like for some of them it is life-changing. I wish they could pick my clothes out for me!

  • nhbaskets
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    Wow, just getting the chance to check back in and found all you (mostly) fans of the show!

    Yayagal, glad you'll be watching!

    Golddust, our DIL is the oldest sister of 4 girls. The twins are the youngest. They definitely all look related. Our DIL was in NYC for a few days so she might be shown. Definitely at the reveal. Her name is Heather. Our granddaughter looks just like the twins.

    Ellendi, since Stacy took one and Clinton the other, they definitely have different styles based on their work and personal life.

    anniedeighnaugh, they have kept up their looks. Both had long strawberry blond hair. I like what each ended up with. I think the makeup is the thing they least likely will continue. When they were doing the reveal in NYC, one of them was whipping off everything and Stacy had a fit!

    kswl, sorry you have such a negative opinion of the show. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for them to travel to NYC for free, get a complete makeover and $5000 each worth of new clothes all for FREE.

    tinam61, I'm sure the party will be a blast. Hope you can catch the show!

    pesky1, I'm the camera person in our family just so I don't show up in pictures!

    ellendi, I've seen shows where they have revisited people. Some keep things up, others not. It's only been since May and they probably haven't even worn all the clothes they came home with, so the jury is out on the twins.

    anniedeighnaugh, I can thank them for dark wash jeans amongst other things :)

    rdquilter, I would love to have them help me pick out a wardrobe too!

    One thing that I'm sure won't come out in the show was their trip back home. They had $750 of baggage fees due to all the clothes! WNTW reimbursed them fully.

  • mjlb
    10 years ago

    I've really liked some episodes, and really disliked others. When the person has very low self-esteem, they can be quite supportive and helpful. But other times they've taken an interesting character, and just made them generic. Especially true with hairstyles. I remember a Texan lady with big hair that they practically made cry. Damn - her hair fit her personality, and they should have let it be.

  • User
    10 years ago

    Oh, this will be fun! I love the show!

  • gsciencechick
    10 years ago

    I didn't know this show was still on the air. Thanks for the heads up.

  • golddust
    10 years ago

    I'm such an idiot. My family room is getting sheet rocked, taped and textured. The TV is unplugged and out of the room. I was so excited to see that show but since my TV is out of commission, it did not record. So sad.

  • mtnrdredux_gw
    10 years ago

    How fun! I hope they like the end result.

    I didn't know it was ending. I always found it entertaining.

    KSWL - too funny about the dark jeans and heels! True!

  • nhbaskets
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    So the twins were on WNTW last night. We had a great time at the viewing party. I know I'm partial, but I thought it was a great show. Mandy and Molly were so appreciative of the makeovers and their wonderful personalities came through. I talked more with my DIL today and she told me some interesting info. If you watched the show, Molly was all teared up at the end. Well, in truth, she was upset about her hair, which she did not like. Have to say that IMO their hair makeovers where the least impressive. Both girls are growing out the bangs they were given and Mandy continues to pull back her hair. They both looked awesome last evening. Mandy wore the dress that was shown on their first day of shopping. Molly wore an adorable short green skirt and beautiful blue suede jacket. Guess I should not say adorable as she wants a more sexy look! Well, they are both still adorable. When they showed Molly after getting here hair cut, everyone exclaimed, "Maggie!" Which is our granddaughter, their niece. She's 6 and looks just like Molly.

    If you'd like to see a recap of the show, check out the link below.

    Here is a link that might be useful: WNTW recap

  • msrose
    10 years ago

    I watched it tonight and I enjoyed it like I do all the episodes. Even after their makeover, they still don't look 29. They will appreciate that later own. I have to say when I first saw the bangs straight down, I didn't like it. When they brushed them to the side though, it looked great.

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    10 years ago

    Yeah, Ted seems to always makes everyone more red, whether they want to go red or not...I guess they are looking for a dramatic change. (Including Beryl's shocking pink hair!)

    I thought it was nice though that the girls ended up with different color on their hair though as it really gave them a more distinct look.

    I thought their clothes were really great....big improvement over their before where they both looked like young teens rather than that they were about to turn 30.

  • golddust
    10 years ago

    I managed to watch the show on my kitchen TV. It is nice to see I'm
    not the only bow legged person in the country.

    Mandy, Molly, Maggie. Whew. That's a mouth full of M's. Having identical twins in our family, it's always interesting to observe twin relationships. I wondered how they really felt looking that different from each other.

    I loved the episode. Loved Mandy and Molly. They seemed like sincerely good people. I liked their make overs but not the bangs straight down. I thought they were cut too long for that.

    Was your DIL part of the episode? Two sisters were in the episode. Who turned them in? The bogus study on 'response to stimuli' was funny.

  • nhbaskets
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    Our DIL is Heather, and yes, she was shown at the beginning and end of the show. Maggie makes a brief appearance during the final reveal also. Our DIL was instrumental in getting much of the 'secret footage.' The producers sent her a video camera and asked her to tape them. They also Skyped from her house. That was all before they ever knew they would be on the show.

  • User
    10 years ago

    I'm curious how the one twin (and her husband) reacted to the comment "I'm surprised you ever even got pregnant looking like that." That's the kind of cringeworthy remark that gives me such a negative opinion of those hosts.

    Your DILs sisters seem like very lovely and already different young women and heartily agree the bangs were all wrong for both!

  • golddust
    10 years ago

    Keel, I know that comment was crass but I think it's intentional. Many of their subjects aren't as cooperative as Molly and Mandy. They are turned in by friends or family so it's different than someone volunteering for a make over. I

    I think they are trying to wake the subjects up quickly.

  • hhireno
    10 years ago

    One of my sisters and I met Clinton Kelly at a Macy's event. She told him that we (her sisters) want to submit her name to get her on the show. He looked her up and down and said "tell them to get on that." She just laughed and didn't take offense.

  • msrose
    10 years ago

    There's one thing I've always wondered about. They show them being interviewed by someone about their fashion style before they were on the show. Does someone just stop them in the mall for that?

  • nhbaskets
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    Msrose--in this case they were told that they were part of a twins study on fashion. That was the premise when they skyped with them, which was their first contact.

  • Annie Deighnaugh
    10 years ago

    Apparently they've used a number of dodges on that...people pretending to be fashion students or people doing marketing surveys and such.

    I think the snarky remarks are meant to be funny and to be a wake-up call for the contributors, but they are directed generally at the clothes and often say things like, "You are better than this." They really work hard at building up the contributors' self esteem and confidence.

    The show was a spin-off of the Brit version way back, and I remember those ladies were really rough and snarky...making S&C look downright saintly by comparison.

  • kellyeng
    10 years ago

    These shows are heavily produced and the participants aren't just blindly going along with it. I'm sure that at some point the producers tell the participants that the hosts will make jokes about them but it's just for TV so don't take offense.

    No need to take this stuff so seriously.

  • yayagal
    10 years ago

    nhbaskets, I saw it and loved it more than any of their shows as I knew you'd be thrilled and other home decorating posters would be viewing too. I thought the whole thing was done very well and they looked lovely, even the hair. I think they both looked better with bangs. I can only imagine the fun they had doing the experience together. They both have wardrobes to get them through a few years and know how to look good when needed and it didn't cost them. You can't beat that. It was fun.

  • cyn427 (z. 7, N. VA)
    10 years ago

    Thanks for posting the link. I loved the shorter hair and bangs look. Very cute women, both of them. I am so glad they had fun.

  • lynninnewmexico
    10 years ago

    I missed the show itself but appreciated your link for the highlights. My 20 y/o daughter loves this show and so I've seen it many times in the past when she's home from college. Molly & Mandy looked so pretty and have such great skin! I agree that they do look at least ten years younger than their actual ages. They'll appreciate those great genes when they hit forty, I imagine (LOL). I thought that their hair came out wonderfully . . . when their bangs were pushed off to the side. Straight down was not as attractive, IMO. I was also happy to see that the girls were so fresh and normal. I've seen some very rough ones on this show in the past. I much more enjoy seeing girls like Mandy and Molly instead. Congrats to both of them for having the courage to go through with this in front of millions of viewers!

  • peaceofmind
    10 years ago

    I'm just watching the twins episode. They are just so sweet and cute. Their concern for each other is touching. I think the clothes they've chosen for each of them are great. The hair, hmmm. I like Mandie's color a lot better than Molly's color. I think going lighter may have been a mistake. I love strawberry blond hair and think it should be enhanced. I haven't watched the reveal or whatever the end of the show is called. Just had to comment.

  • nhbaskets
    Original Author
    10 years ago

    peace--They really are sweet girls and were so appreciative of this opportunity. Molly is running her first marathon today so we're cheering her on. Not sure if activewear was part of her purchases in NYC. :)