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PSA for new (or not so new) members

On several threads recently I've seen members recommend a certain forum, and another member posts that he/she didn't know that such a forum existed. I remember finding the Kitchens forum while searching for info on black marble counters, but I'm so nosy, I checked all the links on the page.

If you are new to GW, or haven't thought to check other forums, here are some links I found useful.

Home Forums, scroll all the way down, and check out the plethora of subjects!

Garden Forums, ditto.
BTW, there are seed exchanges and plant exchanges, if anyone is interested.
Exchanges & Trading forum. The Nature Forums


Following are some helpful instructional threads:

GW faqs Using Hotmail Codes, scroll down.

Easy text instructions (bold, italics, color, etc.) More of a Q/A thread format.

Short thread on resizing pics with Hotmail code.

Forum Acronyms (From the FKB, but useful for all forums.)

Posting a clickable link.

My all-time favorite - weed30's hilarious 'clickable links' instructional thread.

Getting emails from GW members via Member Page.

Test forum for practicing posting threads.

Test forum gallery for practicing image uploads.

I hope no one thinks I'm being pushy, but as a GW newbie, I found all of these links and threads very helpful. If anyone has more info or favorite instructional threads, please add them. :)

This post was edited by mama_goose on Thu, May 16, 13 at 17:21

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