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Cross Stitch & Country Craft Magazine

15 years ago

HELP! IÂve hunted everywhere for an old issue with the ÂSpecial Feature called ÂA Country AlphabetÂ. I have an incomplete copy that I made many years ago, but itÂs missing letters and a color key. As best I can tell, itÂs on page 16 and I see in the buying guide on the back of the page, Christmas Stockings on the cover and on page 4 of whatever issue itÂs in - my guess would be a NOV/DEC issue (?89 plus or minus a year or so). If you could e-mail me copies, IÂd be EVER appreciative! I also see on the back of the page, there might be a strip for a bib with the lyrics: ÂAll things bright & beautiful, all creatures great & small I wouldnÂt mind having that too  IÂm a new grandma of two grandsons born a day apart (2 weeks ago) and IÂm wanting to do bibs. My e-mail address is if you can lay your fingers on these pages.

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