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The 'Deluxe E-Z Bowmaker'??

18 years ago seen on TV...OVER 3 MILLION SOLD!! As EZ as 1-2-3" blah, blah, blah. . .

OK, I'm a sucker. I saw a demo on the Carol DuVall show and had to have one to make hairbows for my almost-3 granddaughter. So I had a 40% off coupon at JoAnn's and used it to get the bowmaker for $6 instead of $10.

Maybe I'm brain-challenged, but I don't find the thing user- friendly AT ALL. "Lay a wire b/t the dowels" Um. . . and just leave it lying there? Not attached to anything??

And what is a "half-twist"???

The demo made it look lots easier -- and she just used a little piece of cardboard, not a 16" board w/ dowels attached [after you hammer them in, that is].

Whew! I'm going to give it another go, but bowmaker kit makers and EasyShare digital camera makers ought to have more consideration for us feeble minded.


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