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Free-Range Greens (long)

I've never liked the term "Forage". To forage is to rummage, and to scavenge. I prefer "Harvesting free free-range greens".

What greater way to celebrate spring than to indulge in one of Mother Nature's most generous contributions to the world of veggies? Delicious and healthy greens all on the house, Mother Nature's house!

I am always very excited about this time of the year. While nothing I have seeded is ready for the kitchen, but the garden is abundantly offering gifts in profusion.

From nourishing Mother Nature --------!

She creates slim and blissful spears of Daylily stems of pure deliciousness, more so than endives.

She thrills me with the first growth of crispy hosta shoots poking up from the good earth, which are more elegant in taste than asparagus.

She gives life to delicate ramps (wild leeks) that can embellish the simplest dishes as well as enhance the great creations of chefs and ordinary home cooks.

She magically makes silvery Lambsquarters appear from nowhere to make you wonder why anyone needs to bother with spinach anymore.

There are many more, but if not spending good hard earned cash offends your pride, the following can be procured, if only this time of the year and for just a few days in upscale stores:

She excites the imagination with curious looking fiddlehead ferns which can satisfy the most fastidious connoisseur.

She frustrates dedicated hunters of morel mushrooms in playing games of hide and seek. Morel, the queen of the Mycological domain, bursting with essence that can jazz up any ingredient inventory with their veritable gastronome versatility.

The long wait for springtime is over. Some dishes I have made with spring's bounties.


A Quick Lambsquarters on Lamb-burger

Ramps with grouded lamb omelette

Shrimp with hosta salad

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