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Moron In The Kitchen!

John Liu
14 years ago

I just couldn't do anything right tonight. Everybody was super busy all day, no time to make a real meal. We decided to take it easy and just cook up some frozen potstickers and edamame. A no-fuss 15 minute grazing meal, right?

Arrrrrrrgh. In a hurry, I cranked too much heat on the potstickers and welded them too the pan. Then I added too much water and turned them to mush. Shoved the soggy potstickers under the broiler to brown and dry them out, a salvage operation. Got distracted and burned them to black lumps. Dumped two dozen former potstickers in the trash. Plan B, frozen spring rolls. Blackened these too. But my brother-in-law and mother-in-law scarfed them up anyway. Now the kids had nothing to eat. Breaded and baked some shrimp and served with aioli that I had in the refrigerator. Oops, the kids don't like shrimp. Getting desperate now. Dug some cod fillets out of the fridge, sauteed them in a cream-wine sauce and plated over sushi rice. In-laws ate those too. Darn it, kids don't eat fish. What am I thinking? Hunted up some more potstickers. SWMBO started cooking these, since I was beginning to gibber. Then she walked away and forgot about them. I came to my senses and managed to finish these. Wow, I actually managed to successfully cook a pre-cooked potsticker. Kids finally had something to eat. Then the cleanup. Oil was scorched onto my nice new Sur La Table pan, something fierce. I had to scrub for half an hour to get the pan clean. Whew. Finish washing everything and putting it away. Wiping down the oil-spattered range. This 15 minute meal had turned into a two hour fiasco. Wait, what's that in the microwave. The forgotten edamame, that's what.

Moron, just a moron.

Only good thing, I discovered a cheating shortcut for making sushi rice. You know how you're supposed to cook the rice and then carefully fold in the rice vinegar, sugar, and salt while your apprentices fan the rice. Well, if you simply add that stuff to the water in which the rice is cooked, it comes out as a passable imitation of sushi rice. At least, by the wretched standards of tonight, it was passable.

Anyone else have nights when they can't boil water?

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