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Wrapping It All Up.

As promised, I am sharing with you on how to vacuum seal food for freezing for free.

You can save money buying food on sale, but the freezer bags such as Foodsaver bags are not cheap. So you can re-use them by cutting them shorter and shorter, but the time in washing them each time is a pain.

The video is self-explanatory. Feel free to ask questions if there is anything not clear.

There is a way to do this using a handheld vacuum machine also, that is another video I have not had the time to make.

I hope you will find this method useful.

BTW, I have searched the Internet and have not found anything similar. If you have, please let me know so that I donâÂÂt take credit for having invented this. Thanks.


Here is a link that might be useful: Free zer Bags

This post was edited by dcarch on Fri, Mar 29, 13 at 10:38

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