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Large Black Hogs (and I Hate Factory Meat)

14 years ago

Hate to admit it but I'm old enough to remember what pork is supposed to taste like!

So, having successfully ferreted out a nice looking large-ish pork loin end roast that was not injected w/ alphabet chemical taste 'enhancers', sodium and water, I looked forward to a savory Sunday dinner.

Herb crusted the pork & roasted it. Was beautiful. But it tasted like herb crusted cardboard. At least the cardboard didn't have a metallic aftertaste...

So, I did what I always do when I have a problem. Googled. Googled for something like 'Best tasting hog'. Landed on a site for 'Large Black Hogs'. Anyway, I enjoyed reading about these pigs so much that I thought I would share the link. For what it's worth, even if I could sneak a couple of them into my town backyard, don't think I would have the heart to butcher & eat 'em. They're just so darned cute...

For those of you who have a bent towards farming, gardening, etc., I think you might enjoy reading about these pigs:

Large Black Hogs

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