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Goat Herd Traffic Jam !

18 years ago

Yesterday we drove a little way out of town up a hill towards a village which had a furniture shop we wanted to visit. On the way back we ran into one of the common sights here in Canary Islands - a herd of goats on the highway.


Goat herds still have the right of way, as is logical as it must be difficult trying to control that crowd of animals and move them safely through traffic to their grazing areas.

As I was driving I had to ask Wolf to quickly grab my little camera from my handbag and pass it to me. With left hand on the steering wheel and my right hand snapping photos as best as I could, I got the following series of pics through the dusty and reflective windshield. There were two goatherders and two herding dogs.

Finally taking an exit path off the road.

As you can see, the weather has been lovely.


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