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OT....I'm Still Here!! - long

12 years ago

First off...Just read Luv's post, about concerns and prayers towards me and Kathleen. Glad to hear Kathleen is okay...we were in touch briefly, before the storm.

Thank you all.

Sorry I haven't been able to be in touch.

We've had power outage on and off, trees down, surrounding roads closed due to flooding and hanging power lines. Unlike others around us and on the news, we were lucky that our downed trees and flooding was not near the house.

DH's brother and family are in South Jersey. They had to evacuate due to flooding. We heard from him today, and they're now back home.

No one expected this to be as bad inland (in New England) as it was..mostly with flooding.

The Gkids were supposed to go back to school yesterday, but (they're celebrating) it's been delayed for another week.

To add to 'the mix'..I was in New York for surgery last week - overnight, and we were leaving just as the Earthquake came thru..(nice excitement)!

Got home to prepare for Irene to visit...and few days later, I started to feel really weak and thought

I was getting the flu. Turns out to be a mild case of pneumonia.

Doctor thinks I picked up the bacteria while at the hospital. I'm on an antibiotic, and should be doing better soon.

If I haven't posted any comments on your posts, please excuse me...for being absent. I will try to do so...right now, I'm mostly resting and sleeping.

Thanks again for your concerns.


Comments (10)

  • janet1_2007
    12 years ago

    Jane, so glad to hear from you and that Irene didn't cause you any huge problems, you have certainly had enough with surgery and pneumonis without having your house flooded.. The news that I have seen really made me concerned for you and Kathleen, so glad that you are both ok. Irene missed my little corner of the world, totally, no rain or wind, just a little overcast with a slight breeze, so I am counting my blessings, but continue to feel for everybody so impacted by the storm. I was in the shower, getting ready for a Dr. appointment and didn't even feel the earthquake, I would not have known about it , but my neighbor came over to see if we felt it. Mother Nature has shown her ugly side this year, for sure. Just happy that we could hear that you are ok. Janet

  • kathleen_li
    12 years ago

    Jane, I hope you feel better soon! I am glad you are ok, it sure is a mess!

    We had tree damage also, but no one was hurt!

    The power came back yesterday and the phones too.
    As I said in my post, I am glad I still have a land line as the cell phones were spotty at best. Plus you had to run your car to charge them, and use up gas. Some of the stations out here ran out, and then had no electric to pump it.
    So many w/o water too, and then the floods, awful!
    I am praying for all those who are struggling to get back to normal.

    Thank you for the concern!

  • Purplemoon
    12 years ago

    Jane, what a huge relief to hear from you! Nothing like experiencing an earthquake AND a hurricane huh? Little too much excitement I think.

    I am so sorry to hear you caught pneumonia. That is the thing that scares me most about hospitals! I hope the antibiotics work fast and you feel back to your oldself soon.

    Take care of yourself, no relapsing allowed ;o)
    hugs, Karen

  • luvstocraft
    12 years ago

    Glad you were able to post and update us on how things are going for you. Certainly not all good news, but thank goodness your home didn't get flooded or damaged. Hope the antibiotics kick in fast and you will be all better soon. Mother Nature sure has not been "kind" in so many areas this year! Take care and let us hear from you when you can. Luvs

  • jeannespines
    12 years ago

    So GOOD to hear from you, Jane! You all were in our thoughts throughout this past week with the weather disasters created by Irene! Good to hear from kathleen, too...hoping the rebuilding will keep moving along for all of you, your family, friends, your whole New England area.

    Now, rest & take care of yourself (even with those gr'kids out of school another week)...let the healing begin. May you rest like this little Hummingbird I finally captured a pic of in the Bird Arbor out the living room windows. ;-) Jeanne S.

  • nana2010_gw
    12 years ago

    Jane, Glad to hear you made it through Irene safely!
    Sorry about you getting pneumonia it's no fun. Try not to overdo it while you are recovering.
    Jeanne I love the Hummingbird Picture. Your photos are wonderful.

  • Marlene Kindred
    12 years ago have had your hands full! So sorry that you've been under the weather and I'm glad you're on the mend. Please just take it easy and take care of yourself. Glad you didn't have a lot of damage from the storm too and I hope that your family around the country will be recovering soon from the storm as well.

  • plainjane425
    Original Author
    12 years ago

    To All You Sweet Ladies...
    It was so nice reading all your caring words and well wishes. I'm coming along, getting lots of sleep and feeling better each day.
    The doctor added another antibiotic for me to take..for the congestion...It tastes so dang awful...but seems to be working.
    I was waking up each day feeling like 100+ years old, now
    I'm down to a spry 90!! lol..Actually, I've been getting lots of sleep, and feeling stronger each day.
    I'm looking forward to getting back in action again.

    I hope you're all enjoying the last Summer Holiday Weekend. I was thinking of how fast it went and that Fall is right around the corner. Gee.. I never got to do any Summer Tables, but I did enjoy the ones you guys posted here.
    Take care for now..and thanks again.


  • janet1_2007
    12 years ago

    Jane, so glad your pneumonia is starting to improve. I"ve had that a few times and it's no fun. The air quality has not been good here, and thats in the mountains where we are supposed to have "clean, pure air", so I have been having to use my aburitol almost every day. Breathing problems run in my DM's family,nearly all of my 8 aunts and uncles as well as my DM had asthema or COPD and I think I just inherited that from them. It is raining here today, so the air doesn't feel hardly so bad, but it sure workd on the artheritis; my optomologist (SP) told me one time "that getting old was not for sissies" and I think he knew what he was talking about, probably from experience sense he is a few years older than me. Summer did fly by didn't it? I really dread winter snow and ice, but I really believe that I feel better in the winter than in the summer. I guess it goes without saying that spring and fall are my favorite seasons.Take care of yourself, and get plenty of rest so you will get to feeling like a spry "teenager" real soon. Prayers, Janet

  • phonegirl
    12 years ago

    Jane, sad to hear so much going on with YOU! I was worried about you ladies but got caught up in my own whirl wind and haven't had time to be here. So glad Luvs has kept up on this and you had time to post and give an update. Your waaaaay to sweet to have so much going on in your lives. Hope Kathleen is as lucky as you with the flooding and storms.

    Hope you get over your pneumonia asap. I'm sure it's hard for you to rest as much as you need to. Also glad DH's family is back home safely.

    Take Care and I'll keep praying.


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