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Homemade Sparkling Apple Juice

17 years ago

Hello I used to have a natural/self carbonating apple juice drink.

I got it from a friend that got it from a friend and so on and so on.

There was no recipe, Your friend just gives You a couple of ounces of His batch.

And You open a bottle of unsweetened apple juice, drink a half a glass out of it.

And pour in the sample You were given, set it on the counter with the cap on but loose.

Day 1. The first change I noticed was what I assumed was yeast forming on the bottom.

Day 2. The juice has become opaque and there maybe some tiny bubbles around the upper edge.

Day 3. If Your lucky it's ready, You tighten the cap give it a little shake and see how effervescent it's become.

If not You might need another twelve to twenty four hours, If it's really fizzy You might need to chill it before drinking.

Putting it in the fridge is a must to slow the conversion process once it reaches the perfect fizz.

I guess it tastes like Martinelli's Sparkling Apple Juice.

Except it loses a lot of the natural sweetness of the juice.

It didn't have any alcohol content I could detect by tasting or drinking a tall glass, I assume it must have had some though.

Alas My reserve starter seems to have gone dead.

The sample had set in the fridge for several years untouched.

I poured a little into about four ounces of juice as a test.

And it just forms a white film on the surface but no bubbles

I was told the stuff came from Kansas or Tennessee.

I've done a few googles trying to find a recipe to start another batch, without any luck.

I found this forum and am hoping someone might be able to help Me out.

Thank You


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